Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Bron Benny (Rapper)


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I ain't even gon count down for you niggas
Turn the beat up some
The Butcher comin'
I'ma surprise you niggas

I been on
So long people started hatin'
They feel scorn
I see the looks on all they faces and I'm torn
It's like, I ain't wanna do this
But if it gotta be a shooting
I guess I'ma be the shooter

You've been warned
I'm in this bitch poppin' Ace like I'm Shawn
They play your shit look at the gang and then we yawn
Why would he make that lame choice
Man these niggas couldn't score if they had game point

And I'm 'Bron
After the chip I told my folks back home
So long
I move my family and my bricks to a place where it's warm
I'm back to championship condition
I can't resist all this winning
It's like me and success built a bond

So let's stay brief
I'm in a rush to TSA
They tryna x-ray me
I made my bitch so bad that her ex can't speak
The only way to make her lit-er is a sex tape leak
A little porn

I'm just fuckin' around

Yeah, uh
Fuck the world am I wrong
I'm in the V.I.P.
A hundred niggas strong
Hustlers yelling from the bleachers
Put me on
I ran it up ain't take me long
My life a story outta songs psalms
And I can put that on my mother's first born
In my city I'm King Kong
Kim Jong Un to me you niggas like this small
Say white bitch
I probably meant what a brick costs
I'm in the five-star hotel suite with a Swiss broad
Then I'm, gone

Pinky ring of a don
Bad boy like I'm Shawn
I'm like goldeneye bond
That's twenty-five inf beams scoping out harm
So how you niggas gon hide from us with polka dots on

You niggas is drunk
You prolly heard when I got shot
I brought a Rollie, AP, and a Cartier after that watch
(You hear that too)
I been back home fifty times since all the rumors and chillin'
These killas with me keep asking me what we doin'
Them niggas bored

Ay yo get the champagne
Ay yo Hit Boy we gon' get the champagne and goggles
We spraying this shit everywhere
We goin' to Illio's
Tell 'em to open the back room for us
Let's go

And I'm, Bron
After the chip I told my folks back home, so long
I move family and my bricks to a place where it's warm
I'm back in championship condition
I can't resist all this winning
It's like me and success built a bond

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