Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Back again Benny (Rapper)


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Back again

Like a- uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh, uh
The Butcher coming, nigga

Ain't nothing like that first M, feel like I'm going on my second life
At times I was staring down the barrel
I had to get my mind right and drive like Andretti
'Cause the further you go, the road to riches gon' get narrow
This like y'all niggas third notice, I won't say it four times
Lawn at my crib like a basketball court size
Six or seven years I've been running shit, and just getting started
Think about it, a nigga really might be all-time

Y'all know how I do this shit, gangstas back in this bitch again
Them gangstas back in this bitch again
I'm like throwing every chain, we push back to back foreigns like parades
It feel good to see some real niggas win, don't it?
Y'all know how I do this shit, gangstas back in this bitch again
Them gangstas back in this bitch again
I'm sending pics to my niggas, throwin' parties on yachts
Get a block, make another mill' and spend that shit again

Uh-huh, used to be a no-good stick up kid, traded that for a pot
Now when I bring that up, y'all getting sensitive
Ignoring me telling a story along the premises
Of us finally finishing, turning that into businesses
Oh well, still talking coke sales
One brick, two brick equal what my show sell
Money in a suitcase like Deal or No Deal
I was good with no deal, told you I did wholesale
It's like, one city, too much hate, three legends foresaw it
'Fore all this happened, I can picture myself war touring
Used to want a Ford Taurus, now I got like four foreigns
I've been playing soulful shit, listening to more Lauryn
Trap house the warehouse, I smoke all this gas like
My lungs I don't care about, my condo won't air out
I built this off classics, what happened? These rappers
They get off too easy, to me it's just madness, but fuck it

Gangstas back in this bitch again
Them gangstas back in this bitch again
I'm like throwing every chain, we push back to back foreigns like parades
It feel good to see some real niggas win, don't it?
Y'all know how I do this shit, gangstas back in this bitch again
Them gangstas back in this bitch again
I'm sending pics to my niggas, throwin' parties on yachts
Get a block, make another mill' and spend that shit again
Y'all know how I do this shit

Gangstas don't dance, we boogie to the boogie
Bang to the boogie, boo-boo-boogie
Gangstas don't dance, we bang to the boogie-boogie

The Butcher coming, nigga
When I'm back, y'all back
We did this shit again, Hit'
Don dada
You on one, nephew
Yeah, long time coming
It's time to put on, nigga
Yes sir
You got the bag (Bag, bag, bag)
You got the cash (Cash, cash, cash)
Yeah, I got your back
With one phone call, got a new contract, like that
Yes sir, from the streets to the suites
We try to keep it discrete
Ayy, Benny, I told you, nigga
Fifteen minutes on the phone, deal done
No games, man
Boss up, nigga
I told you what I said, and I said what I meant
Now you doin' it
Right on
Gangstas is back, nigga
Back like we never left
Gs up, haha

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