
Songtext Ball of confusion Anthrax


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Ball of confusion

originally by the Temptations.

(Norman Whitfield/Barrett Strong)
submitted by Alexis Siemon
People moving out,
People moving in
Why, because of the color of their skin
Run, run, run but you sho' can't hide
An eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth,
Vote for me and I'll set you free
Rap on, brother, rap on
Well, the only person talking about love thy brother
Is the preacher
And it seems nobody's interested in learning
But the teacher
Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration,
Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation
Ball of confusion, oh yeah
That's what the world is today, hey
The sale of pills are at an all time high
Young folks walking round with their heads in the sky
Cities aflame in the summertime, and oh
The beat goes on
Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul
Shooting rockets to the moon
Kids growing up too soon
Politicians say more taxes, will solve everything
And the band played on
So, round and around and around we go
Where the world's headed, nobody knows
Oh, Great Googamooga, can't you hear me talking to you
Just a ball of confusion, oh yeah
That's what the world is today, ooh, yeah yeah
Fear in the air, tension everywhere
Unemployment rising fast, the Beatles' new record's a gas
And the only safe place to live, is on an Indian reservation
And the band played on
Eve of destruction, tax deduction
City inspectors, bill collectors
Mod clothes in demand,
Population out of hand,
Suicide, too many bills
Hippies moving to the hills
People all over the world are shouting end the war
And the band played on
Oh, Great Googamooga, can't you hear me talking to you
Sayin' ball of confusion,
That's what the world is today, hey
Let me hear ya,
Let me hear ya,
Let me hear ya,
Sayin' ball of confusion,
That's what the world is today, hey
Let me hear ya,
Let me hear ya,
Let me hear ya
...& fade

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Anthrax is an American band which stands alongside the greats of the thrash metal genre, Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth and this is reflected in the worldwide sales of over 10 million.

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