
Songtext Bring the noise Anthrax


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Bring the noise

How low can you go?
Death row, what a brother knows
Once again back is the incredible
The rhyme animal
The incredible d, public enemy, number one
Five-o said, freeze! and I got numb
Can I tell em that I really never had a gun
But its the wax that the terminator x spun
Now they got me in a cell cause my records, they sell
Cause a brother like me said, well...
...farrakahns a prophet and I think you ought to listen to
What he can say to you, what you ought to do
Follow for now, power of the people, say,
Make a miracle, d, pump the lyrical
Black is back, all in, were gonna win
Check it out, yeah yall cmon, here we go again

Turn it up! bring the noise

Never badder than bad cause the brother is madder than mad
At the fact thats corrupt as a senator
Soul on a roll, but you treat it like soap on a rope
Cause the beats in the lines are so dope
Listen for lessons Im saying inside music
That the critics are blasting me for
Theyll never care for the brothers and sisters now across
The country has us up for the war
We got to demonstrate, come on now, theyre gonna have to wait,
till we get it right
Radio stations I question their blackness
They call themselves black, but well see if theyll play this

Turn it up, bring the noise

Get from in front of me, the crowd runs to me
My deejay is warm, hes x, I call him norm ya know
He can cut a record from side to side
So what, the ride, the glide should be much safer than a suicide
Soul control, beat is the father of your rock n roll
Music for whatcha, for whichin, you call a band man
Makin a music, abuse it, but you cant do it, ya know
You callem demos, but we ride limos too
Whatcha gonna do? rap is not afraid of you
Beat is for sonny bono, beat is for yoko ono
Run-dmc first said a deejay could be a band
Stand on its own feet, get you out your seat
Beat is for eric b and l. l. as well, hell
Wax is for anthrax, still I can rock bells ever
Forever, universal it will sell
Time for me to exit, terminator x-it

Turn it up, bring the noise

From coast to coast, so you stop being like a comatose
Stand my man? the beats the same with a boost-toast
Rock with some pizzazz, it will last, why you ask?
Roll with the rock stars, youll never get accepted as
We got to plead the fifth, we can investigate
Dont need to wait, get the record straight
Hey, posses in effect, got flavor, terminator
X to sign checks, play to get paid
We got to check it out down on the avenue
A magazine or two is dissing me and dissing you
Yeah, Im telling you...

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Anthrax is an American band which stands alongside the greats of the thrash metal genre, Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth and this is reflected in the worldwide sales of over 10 million.

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