Styles P

Songtext You know Styles P


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You know

Yeah, you know what time it is

Immortal Ghost, immortal mask, uh
Why all the smoke?
You should know I'm the captain now if I'm on the boat
Blowing on the dank, walk the plank, yeah you outta float
Sharks out here, who the fuck did they call the G.O.A.T.?
Better be L or Hov 'cause that billy comin'
If not, whoever said that shit smack silly, cousin
They don't belong along around the booth
He said he's a goat, don't belong around the wolf
'Cause I got a bullet that belong around your tooth
Fuck a gold grill, here's a leg grill and a leg coat
Live money, I remember times I was dead broke
I'm too cool for the dumb shit
Get that money young nigga and watch who you run with
Wear a condom lil' homie and watch who you cum in
Get lined in that building first minute you buzzed in
Get it poppin with the work, you know that we plugged in

You know that we plugged in, you know that the plugs out
You know that we cool niggas, you know that we bugged out
And we come from a hood where it's money and drugs out
If you ain't at war then you know that it's love out
You know that we plugged in, you know that the plugs out
You know that we cool niggas, you know that we bugged out
And we come from a hood where it's money and drugs out
If you ain't at war then you know that it's love out

My son made the beat but the Moon is my ghost writer
If you put me in a box I'mma move like a pro fighter
Connected with Mexicans pushin' them low riders
I will Idaho potato the hammer, I'm so violent
Told my son that it's whack because people could profile him
The computer be the gun when you live on your own island
On the ride of my life, am I lookin' at low mileage?
Is the tank full 'cause the bank full?
And the credit straight
But what's life when I could leave Earth when I meditate
I just got married to the game, I ain't set a date
I just go hard in the paint, I ain't hesitate
I ain't like the way shit was goin', found a better way
Ghost back, maybe I ain't leave, I just play the cut
Dose pack, lit it, got high, when I made a [?]
The coast rap, but we the illest niggas, what you say to us?
Nothin' but love on some Luda found a way to run

You know that we plugged in, you know that the plugs out
You know that we cool niggas, you know that we bugged out
And we come from a hood where it's money and drugs out
If you ain't at war then you know that it's love out
You know that we plugged in, you know that the plugs out
You know that we cool niggas, you know that we bugged out
And we come from a hood where it's money and drugs out
If you ain't at war then you know that it's love out
You know that we plugged in, you know that the plugs out
You know that we cool niggas, you know that we bugged out
And we come from a hood where it's money and drugs out
If you ain't at war then you know that it's love out

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