
Songtext You can't keep a bad man down Oceansize


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You can't keep a bad man down

This criminal apathy's a sound that deafens all around
A happy tranquiliser for all
It's the clogging that is make us stall.
A lie that still endears you millions of years
Will one day cause the gospel to fall
And don't you think it's time that you stopped?

Here's to song! To scream!
Believe, believe me the rest will come naturally
Rest will come naturally.
When you've pissed your last and burned the
Candle fast, the rest will come naturally
End will come naturally.
Don't you know...

That drop in all the ocean
Is a prayer for all
The world brings him down and shuffles him around
Not a care for all the world, stares at all the world.

Cuts open his face there's not a drop to waste
We run him til his tiny heart pops
And don't you think it's time that we stopped?

All around and everywhere at once
A vacant care, why are you so concerned?
Why do you never learn to stop and look
Just wait for your point to be raised naturally
Truth will come naturally.
Don't you know...

That drop in all the ocean
Is a prayer for all
The world brings him down and shuffles him around
Not a care for all the world, stares at all the world.

All those pretty things you've traded
Now you crave but your world is for more
Now you're missing the war.

All those pretty things you've wasted
Now you crave but your world is for more
Now you're missing the war I'll be here

Eyes stick and eyes still wander round aimlessly
All you fucking pigs you have crucified us
Crucified us
Don't you think it's time that you stopped?

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Oceansize are a five-piece rock group formed in Manchester, England, in 1998. The band consists of Mike Vennart (vocals, guitar) Steve Durose (guitar, backing vocals) Richard "Gambler" Ingram (guitar, keyboards) Mark Heron (drums) and Steve Hodson (bass). To date, the band have released three studio albums in addition to a number of minor EPs and singles. The band can be categorized variously as progressive rock, post-rock, alternative rock and space rock, among other genres.

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