Anita Baker

Songtext Wrong man Anita Baker


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Wrong man

I feel you moving, slipping away
I try to call, but I can't find the words to say
My lips move ahh but they don't make a sound
I hear your voice but you're nowhere around
I close my eyes I can't find my sleep
My wounds will not heel, If you cut me too deep
My mind is strong but my spirit is weak
I got to get back on my feet
Well, you can be so cruel
Oh, I just don't understand
Do the tears that I cry, baby
Hey, does it make you feel like a man?
And I told you once, boy
Oh, baby let me tell you again
You can't do right 'cause your the
Wrong man
You're the wrong man
You're the wrong man
You're the wrong man
I hear you calling but I ain't no fool
I've got to be stronger, I've got to get over you
Each time I cry it's a sign of my pain
Every tear that falls carries your name
All I know is it cannot go on
Every thing I do for you is wrong
Ain't nothing I can say or can do
I just got to, I gotta get up child
I gotta move.
Hear me baby
Tell me what you want me to do
Ain't my my my, ain't my lovin' good
Enough for you?
I told you once boy, baby lemme
tell you again
You can't do right 'cause.....
You know I love you
Sometimes it just ain't enough
And I don't wanna leave you
Baby but I'm giving you up
And I told you once boy
And I don't wanna tell you again
You can't do right 'cause
You're the wrong man
You can't do right baby (repeat)
I'd rather lose you, child
Than lose my mind, yeah
I'd rather lose you
Then to lose my mind

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Legal secretary Anita Baker wasn't sure if she'd make it as a singer, even after she sold over 400,000 copies of debut album The Songstress. When major label Elektra came calling, she finally took the plunge and became one of the biggest-selling soul stars of the 80s. Her major label debut Rapture (1986) sold over six million copies and earned her two Grammy Awards. Lead single "Sweet Love" reached the Top 10 of the pop charts, while several other singles performed well too. It established Baker as a star, and Giving You The Best That I Got (1988) topped charts worldwide upon it's release, eventually selling over four million units (the title track also reached No.3 in the Billboard Hot 100).

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