Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Wings Waka Flocka Flame


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Der musikalische text WINGS von WAKA FLOCKA FLAME ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Lock out - mixtape (2011)

Lock out - mixtape



What a dope
Ak 47 mack 11 is the glass of artist
Turn your mother fucker block into a roll
Waka Flocka partner, big flex in another
Serving shit upside down when I come to refresh my [?]
Nigga stole on the [?] I'm a [?] on my...
All over the scene [?]
I got a girl dream who makes a few wingz

I made a few flicks the money grew wingz
[?] took the chips I'm talk a few ringz
Talk about few bottles, talk about few chains, talk about few cars
I need a few things and [?] yeah I'm getting high is the high way
Bout a half a mill car and drive way
My name is shame is my favorite [?] money claim [?]

Five stacks to my favorite dancer
Stumber ass up looking like [?]
Money roll on the big [?]
Got your bitch going down like my time line
[?] 50 rony 55... big clear with the [?] chips need a few ring
Call 500 horses grow wings
[?] ballin like the Netherland [?] drum sound like the metal band
Call [?] you too fuck with the [?] in the new school
I made a few flips the money new rings
[?] two chips I'm talk a few [?]


Homie this the life half a million dollar car
At the red life she says she like the way that she [?]
When I talk message get a gold chill...
Baby I'm addicted where the [?] dance how I'm livin
Wake up in the morning two bitches, two switches wish I had to dance up
Drink more more more more liquier tonight's a movie motion picture
If I thought this bands would you lick up
Everything on me baby pick a...


Train daily man on the roof I got to [?] my barbs
And you can flick that bitch she's an angry birds
Hundred carrots on my arms [?] with that bomb
Whip game big chain, super charge
You know them cold boys goes stupid hard
I'm super stupid [?] I fuck with stupid groupie
Big money on his hand baby lose his [?]
Nigga swerving in that ride watch your step nigga get you murder on that side
Them [?] French with me ride with me [?] with me
And rap slow I'm [?] show my [?]


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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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