South Park Mexican

Songtext Wiggy South Park Mexican


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Der musikalische text WIGGY von SOUTH PARK MEXICAN ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The 3rd wish: to rock the world (1999)

The 3rd wish: to rock the world



[First Verse (SPM):]
Hold up on the double, these boys want trouble
They call me Flintstone and my boy is born Rubble
Rebel, Devil, chase em' through the ghetto
Break these muthafuckas off with just one dedo
Metal bracelets, facin' worse incarceration
Aim for the dome gotta keep my concentration
Since elementary, it was destined for me,
To see the penitentiary
Late Friday, or was it Early Saturday?
I hit him with the shotty that I bought from the academy
Duck for cover, you marked muthafucka
Didn't Mama say not to play with niggas from the gutta?
I smell undercovers, I die with my brothers
And when I'm on the mic I represent all colors
Last summer, I escaped from an asylum,
You know the three digits, BITCH you better dial 'em

[First chorus (SPM):]
No matter where you at, do you represent your city?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you take fools out like the homie Frank Nitty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Did your crib get raided by this little piggy?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Have you ever whooped a nigga til' he really look silly?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)

[Second Verse (Baby Beech):]
I suck the blood like mosquito, facin' Judge Ito,
Joint in my mouth, lookin' big as a burrito
Turnin' ten into twenty, twenty into forty
Forty into eighty, everything is gravy
Why don't you play me in your deck-uh
Microphone Checker
Quick to grab a chickenhead and clutch by the neck-uh
Double decker, hoes on my Woody Woodpecker
Niggas call me Grind say that I'm a homewrecker
Berreta under my Raider sweater
Fuck a fine loca by the name of Jueta
Stackin' mo chedda, the speedy Gonzales,
Smoother than the head of Mister Telly Sevalas
Tu sabes haciendo jales, movin' yales
Order two tacos with the beans and nopales
T blame us, just because I'm famous
And got my middle finger up your Baby Mama anus, BITCH!

[Chorus Two (SPM):]
Do you raise Ben Davis or do you sag Dickies?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Does your bitch got your name tattooed on her titty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you bump Tupac or do you bump Biggie?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you sleep with your wife or with a nine milli?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)

[Third Verse (SPM):]
I got sacks for sale in the land of Hell,
My enemies don't even get a chance to yell
In the black seville, with my man Miguel
Little beings wanna put my fuckin' ass in jail
Stack my mail, where the bastards dwell
Puffin' on Jane cuz that's my gal
Never brag or tell, but I blast'em well,
I shoot more shots than Sam Cassell
Well, pick the chosen and form an alliance
Move in silence we got the loyal clients
Corporate giants, with street science
Cookin' dope on a kitchen appliance
Don't try it, if you can't keep quiet
I put seventeen bullets in your diet
Layin' in a puddle cuz you hoes wanna rumble,
SPM like Tarzan, King of the jungle

[Chorus Three (SPM):]
Do you got 5 screens in your '86 Rivi?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you flip Snow White quick, fast, in a jiffy?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
When you buy new tennies do you spend one fifty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you smoke Swisher Sweets or do you smoke Phillies?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Have you ever bought a TV from Dope Fiend Willie?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you sip Cognac or do you sip Remy?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Have you ever slapped a bitch for givin' you a big hickey?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you get shit crunk or do you get jiggy?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Will you still be fuckin' when you way past sixty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Could I hide in your house if the cops is tryin' to get me?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Would you fuck a thick bitch even though she wasn't pretty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
If I was doin' bad would you smoke a blunt with me?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Are you a young city slicker or a country hillbilly?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you like Fonzarelli or Lenny and Squiggy?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
When you wake up on a Sunday do you feel shitty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you pass on the ass if you don't got a Jimmy?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Just to fuck a fine bitch would you eat out the kitty?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Have you been with two hoes that wasn't strictly dickly?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Do you hit anything or are you really picky?
(wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy)
Would you suck my dick if I said....

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