John Rich

Songtext Why does somebody always have to die John Rich


Why does somebody always have to die

Mama said, "
Stay away from the train yard children
Don't be playin' on in the tracks
Those old big devils can sneak up on ya
And run you down just like that", hey, hey

Well, little brother Jonah didn't heed her warnin'
Tried to chase a fast one down
I can still hear the words my mama was cryin'
As we laid him in the ground, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

She said, "
Why does somebody always have to die?
Before people listen and open up their eyes
There ain't no need for hurtin' or the bloody tears we cry
So why does somebody always have to die?"

Mr. White collar in an uptown high rise
Finishin' a twelve hour day
A double tall glass of tequila sunrise
Takes a little stress away, hey, yeah, hey, yeah

Well, he came around the corner doing 87
Swerving all over the place
He sent a five year old straight to HeavenAnd never even touched his brakes, hey, yeah, hey, yeah

Why does somebody always have to die?
Before people listen and open up their eyes
There ain't no need for hurtin' or the bloody tears we cry
So why does somebody always have to die?

There once was a carpenter living in Nazareth
Said He was the Son of God
Said He came here to free the captive
And bring faith to the lost, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah

Well, He tried to tell him all about life eternal
But they just wouldn't believe
And He said, "
Father, won't you please forgive them?"
As they nailed Him to the tree, hey, yeah, hey, yeah

Why does somebody always have to die?
Before people listen and open up their eyes
There ain't no need for hurtin' or the bloody tears we cry
So why does somebody, yeah why does somebody always have to die?
Always have to die

Mama said, "
Stay away from the train yard children
Don't be playin' on in the tracks
Those old big devils can sneak up on ya
And run you down just like that"

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John Rich (born January 7, 1974 in Amarillo, Texas) is an American country music singer-songwriter. From 1992 to 1998, he was a member of the country music band Lonestar, in which he played bass guitar and alternated with Richie McDonald as lead vocalist. After being fired from the band Lonestar in 1998, Rich embarked on a solo career on BNA Records in the late 1990s, releasing two singles for the label and recording Underneath the Same Moon, which was not released until 2006. By 2003, he joined Big Kenny to form the duo Big & Rich, who released three albums on Warner Bros. Records as well as ten singles, including the Number One "Lost in This Moment". After Big & Rich went on hiatus in 2007, Rich began work on a second solo album, Son of a Preacher Man, which has produced two more chart singles. In addition to his work in Big & Rich, John has co-written singles for multiple artists, including Keith Anderson, Jason Aldean, Cowboy Troy and Gretchen Wilson, as well as producing records for several other artists.

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