Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Where it at Waka Flocka Flame


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Where it at

I don't care about no he say, she say
Chase this money, love dinero like my fucking dj

Kick yo door off the hinges, lay it down
Heard you got that work, in this house, lay it down
Nobody move, everybody on the ground
And if a nigga act crazy, brains on the ground, motherfucker
Nigga, where the cash at? Where the cash at?
Nigga, where the cash at? I need all of that
Nigga, where the cash at? Where the cash at?
Nigga, where the cash at? I need all of that

How the fuck a soldier broke with a loaded pistol
Hope them goonies get you when them hollows hit you
If our squads they miss I bet my youngings hit you
I'm from playing county, bitch I want the issue
Fuck the police, fuck the police
I say it 2 times, all I know is grind
Bitch I gotta shine, crime pays
You couldn't walk a half of mile in these cool plays
Dark ray ban shades, I'm like fuck a hater
Hit a lick, hit a lick, stack this fucking paper
Amfens stay right by me, I call it my neighbor
Playin county, Waka Flame I'm the fucking man

Kick yo door off the hinges, lay it down
Heard you got that work, in this house, lay it down
Nobody move, everybody on the ground
And if a nigga act crazy, brains on the ground, motherfucker
Nigga, where the cash at? Where the cash at?
Nigga, where the cash at? I need all of that
Nigga, where the cash at? Where the cash at?
Nigga, where the cash at? I need all of that

Pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, bitch I'm bustin at em
Out lace I'm bustin at em, no talking, send them youngins at em
Only got one so we in his house
Niggas know I got a pistol in his mouth
Fuck nigga where the work at
You a lame nigga, don't deserve that
Don't cooperate, that's a dirt nap
Whole house I'ma sorry stack
Fuck, where the pounds and the t shirts at
This one man I did it for the track
Man the male lookin back, talk around the bullseye niggas get crack
Where the fuck d bow act? Bingo, they can teach the scrap
I'm thinking it, with a bitch I feel like diego
Fat boy swag like my nigga new
Gully boy for life call me roulette
You know my crew go hard, these streets we gonn rep.

Kick yo door off the hinges, lay it down
Heard you got that work, in this house, lay it down
Nobody move, everybody on the ground
And if a nigga act crazy, brains on the ground, motherfucker
Nigga, where the cash at? Where the cash at?
Nigga, where the cash at? I need all of that
Nigga, where the cash at? Where the cash at?
Nigga, where the cash at? I need all of that

Now where the fuck you goin nigga?
Why you tryna run nigga?
Brick Squad, BSM nigga
3 letters, BSM nigga
Yo bitch has been cut
Big straps nigga
Playin county, playin county playin county
Playin county, playin county, Jurassic Park hoe
Playin county, playin county playin county
Playin county, playin county, Jurassic Park hoe

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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