Rilo Kiley

Songtext Well, you left Rilo Kiley


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Well, you left

Well you left,
you had to move on
You finally gave it a rest
You said you had to be strong
You bled all you could bleed
You didnt get what you need
So tell the mutual friends
You went and walked it on me
And now whenever it gets cold
You can finally breath
Seems that things are going perfect
The usual make belief
I heard you found a new friend
Someone else to hang on to
I hope he holds your hand
I heard he's nice to talk to
But if the whether gets bad
And you feel yourself fall through
Well try not to feel satisfied
Or try and do what healthy people do
I wish the best for you
These are the days they remember you by
But its not what you say
but how you say it
Did you hear abiut Scot?
Did you hear that he's gone
He drowned right off the wrong
Sometimes the current's too strong
And he had friends with influence ×3
And he had friends getting known
You could see him there
at the top of the stairs
You'll say that im on mutual perspect now
Because they are peers
Funny found a way to walk the sun
But its not for everyone

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The alt country/country pop indie rock band Rilo Kiley was formed in 1998 by former child actors Blake Sennett (Salute Your Shorts, Boy Meets World) on guitar and Jenny Lewis (Troop Beverly Hills, Pleasantville) singing, the pair met through a mutual friend (and dated until the release of Rilo's debut album). Sennett then brought on board high school chum, bassist Pierre De Reeder and rounded out the band with Jason Boesel on drums. After an EP in 1999, Rilo released their first full length album, Take-Offs and Landings in 2001. After switching labels Rilo released their second albumThe Execution of All Things, which was more experimental mixing electronica with the traditional elements of country and rock resulting in a more discordant sound, resulting in poor sales.

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