Trevor Hall

Songtext Well i say... Trevor Hall


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Well i say...

Well I say
Spread the wings of your butterfly, imply
Color me in begin to bring the fantasy to life
To avoid the confusion
We're in an illusion
How much poison can you swallow? ah

Flip the switch
Pucker up and kiss
Feed the inner child 'till it's full with bliss
Well I say what you gonna do when Dracula comes for you?
Stand there until you go hollow? ah

Mister Mister
Can I get a 10-4
Do you agree that there's a monster at the front door?
Ready to bang it down
Swallow up the town
Put the children up for ransom, yeah
And make himself a crown

Mister Mister
Yeah do you agree
That there's some one in this village that has stole our apple seed
The ocean's drying up
The constellations are corrupt
All I can hear is this sound, this sound, yeah.
All I can hear is this sound, yeah.

Well I believe
Yes sir, I believe
I believe in the lime tree
Well how did you find me
I believe in the power that will save
I believe that this monster can finally be tamed
Deep in the hearts of the hearts of the youth
There is a magical flower yes a blooming parachutes
Plenty to go around
Your feet won't hit the ground
This love it comes in pounds
Open up and taste the sound

Well I say, ah
Well I say
I think I've had enough
Yo today gonna be the day
Yeah 'cause last night well I had the vision of a princess
Sparked up a candle and lit her up with incense
She whispered in my ear
Baby have no fear
I am here
Dry your tears
All the pirates that our near shall retire when they see my empire
No match for this angel of fire

Yeah Mister Mister
Can I get a 10-4
Do you agree that there's a monster at the front door?
Ready to bang it down
Swallow up the town
Put the children up for ransom, yeah
And make himself a crown

Mister Mister
Yeah do you agree
That there's some one in this village that has stole our apple seed
The ocean's drying up
The constellations are corrupt
All I can hear is this sound, yeah.
All I can hear is this sound.
All I can hear is
All I can hear is
All I can hear is this sound, yeah.

Yeah well 10-4
Yes he's at the front door
Telling me he's gonna blow it down and that we're captured
Oh my baby
Yeah well don't you be afraid
I've got a secret of all secrets that is keeping him away
The back door
Back door
Baby there's an angel
Whispering me melodies of all her hidden fables
We will never die
Don't you ever ever cry
Protected by the queen of the sky

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Trevor Hall is a performer. His discography includes Trevor Hall, Lace Up Your Shoes, The Rascals Have Returned and Trevor Hall Live.

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