
Songtext Well done Tyga


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Well done

Tell these bitches I'm the man
Money over bitches that's the plan
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Niggas say they ballin' they in the stands
If it ain't about business don't shake my hand
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done

Pop up... the muthaf-cken man
Walk up clear the way it's an ambulance
Fire truck get to the fire in advance
Hot flow...
Pop up... the muthaf-cken man
Walk up clear the way it's an ambulance
Fire truck get to the fire in advance
Hot flow I just gave the track a tan
Ain't a damn thang we poppin' champagne
Girls say they chosin' rootin' for the other team
I put her in the Vibe like the magazine
You see it's raining hundreds cash get the cream
The cream get the money, the money make her scream
Nothin personal it was just a quick fling
But now it's back to me, paper off the shelf bitch
She just want to get drunk, get fucked, take dick
Maybe get a new friend, get in a benz with him
This ain't no simple life
You dancin' with a star bitch
Yea, so keep my spotlight bright
I'm a be in it all night

Tell these bitches I'm the man
Money over bitches that's the plan
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Niggas say they ballin' they in the stands
If it ain't about business don't shake my hand
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done

All about my paper, ain't another feeling greater
Came up like elevators now I ball like a Laker
They like my free style but they goin have to pay me
Candy red [?] tell them bitches an hour later
6 speed brand new car smell flavored
Look up in the sky thank God that we major
It's cash to be made, world full of danger
So we goin count it under the table to be safer
Ace paid in full all hundreds big jewels
Stones kind of heavy, slick rick the rolli
Gotti god imm narly, the ross and the group
See me party out the roof
Sun flier in the coupe
She love it cause the feeling of f-cken on a million
Fly you in the mornin right now we chillin'
Stuck in a moment then she back to her life
I'm back to the money cause money my life

Tell these bitches I'm the man
Money over bitches that's the plan
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Niggas say they ballin' they in the stands
If it ain't about business don't shake my hand
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done
Every thing I do... W-w-w-well done

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