One Be Lo

Songtext Water world One Be Lo


Water world

[Intro - child]
Yo Lo, everytime I turn on the radio, the video
It's a booty, it's a necklace, it's, it's...

OneManArmy is who he is
WaterWorld is the name of the place he live
This hero came to set hip-hop free
From shady biz and all the wack MC's

[Verse 1]
Once upon a time lived a man named Lo
Everywhere he go he make the crowd say "Hoooohh"
Grown man flow for the boys and girls
Now let me tell you kids 'bout a place called WaterWorld
Shaped like a mitten, I rock the mic hittin
my block, recite copywritten rhymes I be spittin
Nobody knows the true identity
It's a Clark Kent thing, One Super-Man Army
Straight out the sound booth, Timberland boots
My necklace alone compares any wack crew
So now that you know who the good guy is
Every story got a villain, this one is shady bizKingpin, all about the dividends
Payin these wack MC's to talk to hip-hop citizens
With some powerful force they call rap
But the OneManArmy here to stop all that
Chop all that, maybe on the MPC
Literary, military on the M-I-C
OneMan, up against a whole +Army+
Fulla A&R" ."s, wack MC's and R&B
Industries, y'all nothin but snakes to me
Hip-hop, WaterWorld is the place to be
No place for shady biz and fake MC's
We 'bout to set y'all free, just wait and see


[Chorus - 2x]

[Verse 2]
Aight, you know the characters plus you know the plot
Only it's a few people who can save hip-hop
Lo came fly with Timbs, pass the pens
Up, up and away, here we go again
Some think the +Mission+ is +Impossible+
The truth is shady biz got a whole lotta dough
But OneManArmy got a verbal attack
And you never see me sign kryptonite contracts
OneManArmy is who he is
WaterWorld is the name of the place he live

[Chorus - whispered]

Shady biz you better watch your back
Wack MC's you better watch your back -- watch out!

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One Be Lo è un rapper statunitense dell'underground hip hop.. È noto per essere la metà del duo Binary Star, ma ha anche realizzato diversi album come solis

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