Cross Canadian Ragweed

Songtext Wanna rock & roll Cross Canadian Ragweed


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Wanna rock & roll

Last night I went down to the railroad tracks
To watch that train roll by
99 cars screaming into the dark
I heard the lonesome whistle cry
With her name on my arm and the rain coming down
I kissed her like it was the first time
I took her down to the railroad tracks, and her red,red lips touched mine

She said,"I wanna rock and roll
Wanna hoochie coo
Shake that thing
Baby, love me do"

The woman's got a walk to make a man cry, throw back his head and howl
Ruby red lips, liquid hips, more than the law will allow
If I told her once, I told her twice
I must of told her a thousand times
I got a red hot mind and a cold black heart
I am the jealous kind
The woman just laughed and said, "Sweet Daddy
You know you are the only one
You're my smooth lover boy, my heartache and joy
Com on let's have some fun."


It was early last night, I went downtown
To a place called Johnny's Last Stand
Through the blues and the smoke
I saw her on the dance floor
She's with another man
The dead man's name was Louie Dupree
I pushed the little button on my knife
I walked up and said, "Hello boys and girls
Have you enjoyed your life?"

It's time to rock and roll
Wanna hoochie coo
Shake that thing
Baby, love me do

Last night I went down to the railroad tracks
To watch that train roll by
99 cars screaming into the dark
I heard the lonesome whistle cry
With her name on my arm and the rain coming down
I kissed her for the very last time
I took her down to the railroad track and her dead, red lips touched mine

I wanna rock and roll
Wanna hoochie coo
Shake that thing
Baby, love me do
Rock and roll
Hoochie coo
Shake that thing
Baby, love me do

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Cross Canadian Ragweed is a group. Their discography includes Happiness And All The Other Things, Soul Gravy, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Live & Loud at The Wormy Dog Saloon and Mission California. The band has had members Cody Canada, Grady Cross and Jeremy Plato. Their most popular genre is Alternative Country.

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