
Songtext Wake up Nocap


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Wake up

(Al Geno on the track)
Yeah, yeah

Nigga, this ain't no .223, nigga, this a problem solver
That bitch ain't only fuckin' me, she fuckin' all my dawgs
Don't talk on telephones, my niggas know that's protocol
Anyway we livin', jail, or death, I got to tell you, ain't no other way
It ain't no other way, uh, uh
I'm out here all alone, it ain't no other way
I got to keep my chrome, it ain't no other way
You gon' make my homies rich if you feelin' some type of way (Ayy)

Remember days we ain't have nothin' to do, I caught a jet
All my haters want to kill theyself, I suicide my doors
If they the reason why I flex how I do, I only ran it up because of you
That for?ign car a Jeep, probably make the same sound, go, "Skrrt, skrrt"
Won't t?ll to get my time cut, I catch my rat with scissors
But, all my watches presidential, but, if you run, we come and get you

Nigga, this ain't no .223, nigga, this a problem solver
That bitch ain't only fuckin' me, she fuckin' all my dawgs
Don't talk on telephones, my niggas know that's protocol
Anyway we livin', jail, or death, I got to tell you, ain't no other way
It ain't no other way, uh, uh
I'm out here all alone, it ain't no other way
I got to keep my chrome, it ain't no other way
You gon' make my homies rich if you feelin' some type of way (Ayy)

I know they waitin' on me to slip up, fall, fumble, whatever
Dior Christian on my feet, walk with the Devil
Ya dig that? Had a dream that God picked me up in a Hellcat
I was always told that life's a gamble, you can't bet that
Twenty bands on clothes, we walk through Neiman's with them trumpets on us
My youngin sixteen with a body without no school diploma
She a boss bitch, she just want a boss nigga
But, she down to fuck just to get you chopped, nigga

Nigga, this ain't no .223, nigga, this a problem solver (Huh? Huh? Huh?)
That bitch ain't only fuckin' me, she fuckin' all my dawgs
Don't talk on telephones, my niggas know that's protocol
Anyway we livin', jail, or death, I got to tell you, ain't no other way
It ain't no other way, uh, uh
I'm out here all alone, it ain't no other way
Uh, I got to keep my chrome, it ain't no other way
You gon' make my homies rich if you feelin' some type of way

It ain't no other way, it ain't no other way
It ain't no other way, it ain't no other way
Uh-huh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh-huh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh-huh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
(Al Geno on the track)

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