Alkaline Trio

Songtext Versions of you Alkaline Trio


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Versions of you

Are you feeling weak?
Nobody ever taught you how to take a punch
You just took one in the guts
Are you gonna go and get yourself all balled up?
Are you staying in tonight?
Depressed to the nines (Hey)
And you're feeling like it's over and you've got it all summed up
How will we identify
With no one there by your side?

Now with so many of them out there
So many versions of you
Do they all get a piece of me
From the memories you let go?

I wish that you could hear me
I'm finished here without you now
You said that you were leaving
But never said how

Well, you made it and you got your wounds all dolled up
In the pity left in piles
But that was a while ago
Now it's mostly blown down the road (Hey)
Move along once we are all used up
And there's no one left to blame, but then you know
Most folks don't appreciate that anyway

Now with so many of them out there
So many versions of you
Do they all get a piece of me
From the memories you let go?
If you still need some motivation
Well, look I'm letting go too
And I'm so much lighter now
I'm no longer holding you

You traded in your leather for a denim and a polaroid
Put it up for sale in the mail for your brand new boy
I couldn't tell you just how long it's been
I can only say how fully disappointed I am (Hey)
You traded in your leather for a denim and a polaroid (I dropped you a line)
Put it up for sale in the mail for your brand new boy (But you burned right through as you began to climb)
I couldn't tell you just how long it's been (I left you a note)
I can only say how fully disappointed I am (Saw it fade in the sun on the street with our hope)

Now with so many of them out there
So many versions of you
Do they all get a piece of me
From the memories you let go?
If you still need some motivation
Well, look I'm letting go too
And I'm so much lighter now
I'm no longer holding you

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Alkaline Trio is an American punk rock band formed in McHenry, Illinois in 1996. Starting out as bicycle messengers to earn keep, the band eventually gave this up to perform on the road full time.

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