
Songtext Vengeance Angelmaker


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This is how to get away with vengeance

Did you think you'd get away with this betrayal?
Now you'll face the consequences of your ways
Such a righteous night to meet your plight
Your skull intact
No, that's not right
I want to crush it
Just enough so you survive
To comprehend this suffering
No one deserves anything

Your choices have deemed you unworthy of extremities
It's been a dream of mine to chop you into all these tiny pieces
To hold your heart until the beating ceases

I'll take your head and hold it as a trophy
No remorse for the hatred that you showed me

No remorse for the hatred that you showed me
I'll take your head and hold it as a trophy

It flows so tranquil
Far beyond the realms of sin
I'll take you to the edge of affliction
I'll let your life hang by a thread
Take this hate and bury it within you

Ringing in my head is every little thing you ever said
You realize I gave you everything you asked and even more

Who's to say what you deserve?
How can you replace the hurt?

Revocation cannot save your predetermined fate
It's more than just your face in which I'd like to break
Take a fucking look at yourself
Especially after I am done with you
Take a look
At yourself after all I put you through
I know that you
Wish for sweet release

Far beyond the realms of sin
I'll take you to the edge of affliction
I'll let your life hang by a thread
Take this hate and bury it
Within us all lies the decision
To embrace the evils within ourselves
Or will your life be wasted?
As we meet the end of time
Your life is mine
Vengeance is all I seek
Bathed in blood, you're dead to me
Vengeance is all I seek
Bathed in blood, you're dead to me
Vengeance is all I seek
Bathed in blood, you're dead to me

Shrouded in nothingness
Watch as the life that you love
Now fades in the dark and I sink deep further from sanity
Righteous and content bathed in vengeance

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