Kodak Black

Songtext Usain boo Kodak Black


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Usain boo

Money, color peacock
Thuggin' in my Reeboks, cut the dreads and re-lock
Buck the feds, I buck the feds, you buck the feds and link up
I'ma Z but my diamonds V cuts, who got it disguised as free lunch
I don't want nothin' free, bring me a Cardi B
Nickname Cardiak, makin' it hard to match
I whip me a harder batch
I took every loss, I knew I was gon' win for the better
Young nigga with the crazy crew, they think he playin' with the devil
Like, ain't it true you like to sang to the devil?
Keep the stick like crazy glue, but I had to put it together
Usain baby blue, I blew more change on th? leather
Young nigga move lik? Baby Ruth, you know I swang with the metal
Mhm, Deja who? I been upgraded from heffer
I got the finger phone booth, I'm gettin' through to these tethered
Usain ain't nothin' new, I hit the trap with a special
Like the New York Times, you square, how you gon' play with a stepper?
Mhm, Megan, you know you ain't created that animal
Say I'd rather go blind, swear, I ain't tryna see it and detect it
Usain ain't no boo, I ran it up in Margiela
Usain ain't nothin' baby, Usain ain't no boo
Usain ain't no boo, I'm comin' fast when I'm in here
You in that bathing suit? Gon' have some problems when I get here (Yeah)
In that baiting suit, I'ma buy some condoms 'fore I get here
In that bathing suit, okay, you in a bathing suit, ya
Audi like Olympics, but the engine came up out a 'Vette
Usain ain't nothin' new, I'm crossin' tracks, like I'ma Haitian pack
Cocaine kangaroo the trap, jumpin', junkies comin' back
Me and Fredo higher than a bitch, think we smokin' crack
Even when we ain't together, we together, bae that's anyway
Ain't never met no bitch who ride that dick just like DiJonai
"Kodak, you better not play, make it safe," that's what my mama say
Jancoby you the realest, you my boo, uh-huh, Ella Mai
Usain and a baby paid the rent, off the Sprint phone
Everything baby blue, I'm smokin' deuce, like I'm Bigalow
Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing
Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing
Bing, bing, bing, I'm on lean, I'm on beans, yeah
Bing, bing, bing, I hit her once, she gon' cling
Bing, bing, bing, Kodak bop turned to murder wop
Bing, bing, bing, you comin' here, panties comin' off

Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Juggin' and stickin' and rollin' and geekin'
Rollin' and geekin', rollin' and geekin'

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