Dj Mustard

Songtext Up now Dj Mustard


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Up now

Y'all already know who I am, right?
(Mustard on the beat, ho)

Growin' up grown, my pops never felt stable (Oh)
Didn't have company 'cause TV didn't have cable (Oh)
Now I'm up, I thank God the garage got a stable (Oh)
I'd be pissed if I signed to them white-ass labels (Go)
I just drive foreign, two Benzes niggas never seen
Ain't a scene on your scene, but I still get seen (Oh)
I watch freak bitches pop X and do the unheard
Can't believe this nigga pressin' me over a bird (Let it breathe)

(Oh, yeah, oh)
All my Westside bitches to the dance floor right now (Oh, yeah, oh)
All my Westside niggas to the dance floor right now (Oh, yeah, oh)
DJ, let's go (Oh, yeah, oh)

I walk in the booth, speak my mind, make a great livin' (Great livin')
I've been big flexin' on these niggas like I'm weightliftin' (Weight)
I know all the tellers, I be postin' at the bank chillin' (At the bank)
Your bitch beggin' me to pull up to her family Thanksgivin' (Jeeezy, go)
I got bitches payin' me to fuck, we doin' great business (Great business)
Mix Balenciaga with the Gucci, it's the same difference (Damn)
I walk in the buildin', people tell me how my chain glisten
Tried to show 'em how to run it up, but niggas don't listen (Hold on)
I'm at Barclays sittin' by Blake Griffin (Sittin' by Blake Griffin)
At night, I'm in a Louis sleepin' bag (Louis bag)
That nigga puddle boots, put them Uggs in the trash (Put them Uggs in the trash)
That nigga workin' doubles, how you lettin' that job kick your ass? (Kick your ass, yeah)
She give me her all, but I can't give a bitch my last (Can't give a bitch my last)
In my lane and imperial, in a Lamb' gettin' gassed (Damn)
Tryna tell her I just want the top in the nicest way
Scorin' Cartiers on you, we on Brighton Way

Growin' up grown, my pops never felt stable
Didn't have company 'cause TV didn't have cable
Now I'm up, I thank God the garage got a stable (My fault)
I'd be pissed if I signed to them white-ass labels
I just drive foreign, two Benzes niggas never seen (Oh)
Ain't a scene on your scene, but I still get seen (Damn)
I watch freak bitches pop X and do the unheard
Can't believe this nigga pressin' me over a bird (Let it breathe)

So since we checked off the West Coast (Oh, yeah, oh)
I need all my Midwest bitches to the dance floor (Oh, yeah, oh)
All my Midwest niggas to the dance floor, go (Oh, yeah, oh)
(Oh, yeah, oh)

What the fuck do you mean I did it? (Oh)
Lost my nigga Lou at eighteen, still breathin'
I drive down to clean somethin', make it to the K
Seventeen for the blues, and that's if I go to vapes (Go)
My life different in days, so I still sin
He said I'm straight, drop to his ass real good (I got it)
Then put my shoes on
Which one of y'all niggas said somethin' 'bout two-tones, huh? (Ooh)
Two-tone Patek, one-fifty (Right), two bad bitches both with it (Both)
Ho, fuck up my nigga if you love me (If you love me)
Your name ain't God, you can't judge me (Bitch)
Anyway, ayy, send 'em, paid five K for this denim
Small .45, compact, what's in 'em? (Bah, bah)
Fuck y'all niggas, I don't trust y'all niggas
And even if I did, I still know what it is, go big (Bitch)

Growin' up grown, my pops never felt stable (Okay)
Didn't have company 'cause TV didn't have cable (Okay)
Now I'm up, I thank God the garage got a stable (Yeah)
I'd be pissed if I signed to them white-ass labels (Go)
I just drive foreign, two Benzes niggas never seen (Damn)
Ain't a scene on your scene, but I still get seen (Oh)
I watch freak bitches pop X and do the unheard (Oh)
Can't believe this nigga pressin' me over a bird (Let it breathe)

Since we did the Westside (Oh, yeah, oh)
We did the Midwest (Oh, yeah, oh)
So, Boat (Oh, yeah, oh)
I want to take it to the A real quick (Oh, yeah, oh)
Let's do it

I don't check the time, I live in moments, it is what it is
Baby girl got what I need like my name was Biz (Sheesh)
If I get bored, I'll fly a team of hoes out to the Ritz
I ain't afraid to take a L 'cause after that, it's M (Oh)
How niggas gon' act like I ain't carry '16 on my back?
Like bronem was Jimmy, popped out with a green mask (Damn)
Not a drunk, baby, it's Wock' inside this chrome flask (Oh, oh, oh)
I ain't goin' back and forth with no nigga who outfit trash (Oh, oh)
Ain't goin' back and forth if your mama house ain't paid for (No)
I had niggas cross my back I didn't stay with
Actin' like you on the other team, who you playin' with?
My brother walk with a trench coat because that K quick (Oh)
Spent a quarter on lawyer fees and I got no cases
Treat all my dogs if they resemble my parents' faces (Oh)
Told this mighty bitch I'd die before we trade places
Twenty-four K in my mouth like I chew on aces (Let's go, pussy)

Growin' up grown, my pops never felt stable
Didn't have company 'cause TV didn't have cable (Yeah)
Now I'm up, I thank God the garage got a stable
I'd be pissed if I signed to them white-ass labels (Go)
I just drive foreign, two Benzes niggas never seen
Ain't a scene on your scene, but I still get seen (Go)
I watch freak bitches pop X and do the unheard
Can't believe this nigga pressin' me over a bird (Sheesh)

When I call your name, say, "Here"
Brian Anderson (Here)
Rihanna Brown (Here)
Shaquille Clark (Present)
Shantay Davis (Here)
Destiny Jackson (Present)
DiJon McFarlane (Ayy, ayy, ayy, wake up)
DiJon McFarlane (Wake up, fool)
I said, "DiJon McFarlane"
Ayy, Keisha, ayy, ayy, ayy, you slidin' to that, uh, that party tonight?
Yes, BK, I'm goin', are you goin'?
Yes, I know it's at what's-her-name's, but

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