Passion Pit

Songtext Until we can't (let's go) Passion Pit


Until we can't (let's go)

How much can we take before we both break down?
The confines of these rooms, yeah they get you to
Lying in our bed while tossing and turning
And it wakes you up, it puts you in the mood
But that's alright cause
We both know what the other wants
And it goes to show why we're not alone
And still we're here in this God forsaken place
I can hear what you're saying, I can see it on your face

So let's go, let's go 'til we can't anymore
Let's go 'til we can't
Let's go, let's go 'til we fall to the floor
Let's go 'til we can't
Somebody else told me something about
Where you live can cause you suffering
Guess that's something else that's wrong with our room
With the walls colliding
Someone said stop hesitating
We both know we're suffocating
Let's go out and find ourselves a home
And find ourselves a home

Honey please, you don't need to tell me
What we need, yeah we both know that
A bedroom floor with our clothes strewn all about
Yeah we're stuffed in here together begging for a new way out

So let's go, let's go 'til we can't anymore
Let's go 'til we can't
Let's go, let's go 'til we fall to the floor
Let's go 'til we can't
Somebody else told me something about
Where you live can cause you suffering
Guess that's something else that's wrong with our room
With the walls colliding
Someone said stop hesitating
We both know we're suffocating
Let's go out and find ourselves a home
And find ourselves a home

We can barely speak, we can barely sleep, now we're leavin'
Barely take the time, take the time to try
Try to make this living Hell, break this barren shell
Shell it out for something better than we think and better than we ever dreamed

So let's go, let's go 'til we can't anymore
Let's go 'til we can't
Let's go, let's go 'til we fall to the floor
Let's go 'til we can't
Somebody else told me something about
Where you live can cause you suffering
Guess that's something else that's wrong with our room
With the walls colliding
Someone said stop hesitating
We both know we're suffocating
Let's go out and find ourselves a home
And find ourselves a home

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Passion Pit is an American electronic/pop band from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Formed in 2007 the group consists of Michael Angelakos of Buffalo (lead vocals/keyboards) Ian Hultquist (keyboards/guitar) Ayad Al Adhamy (synth/samples) Jeff Apruzzese (bass/synth bass) and Nate Donmoyer (drums). All of the band members, except Angelakos, attended Berklee College of Music.

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