Joe Budden

Songtext Uncle joe Joe Budden


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Der musikalische text UNCLE JOE von JOE BUDDEN ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Rage & the machine (2016)

Rage & the machine


Uncle joe

It's Uncle Joe in here
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in here
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in here
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in here

It's Uncle Joe, peep while the story is told
Look like I'm the last nigga to know I got old
Which is fine, as Uncle Joe I wear that age like it's a three piece suit
Can't get to this type of flavor without a season at true
Every Sunday at the spades table slamming cards, hella hard
Spitting over Ruff Ryder or Roc-a-Fella bars
I'm telling stories of Khaled before he Terror Squad
Different from what they selling y'all, fuck am I telling y'all?
It's Uncle Joe, don't wear Supreme and jeans
Came up with Nitty and Web, I knew Supreme in Queens
And Ross dropped "B.M.F." and y'all would sing in the streets
I'm a little different, I was thinking of Meech
Check this shit
I used to drive around the tunnel in the Lexus with the snub
Before Power 105 was sneaking breakfast in the club
Listen, young niggas learn up, I don't do the kiddie shit
I'm with the turn up, I just like Biggie shit
Fuck is you saying?
Only been a sensation for only two generations
I'm like the minute the weigh in fight ready
Friends are forever changing
And all them niggas I came up in the game with
Done fainted in the entertainment I swear

They say the older you get in life the faster it happens. Me, I feel like I could still fuck with 25 year olds and their mommas if they cute enough. So when I walk up in the day party and said, "what up?" all I hear is "Uncle Joe" in this bitch

Same way you know when you up, you better know when you slip
Studies based of years hanging with the boa constricts
I'm from an era where we ain't deal with all the trolling and shit
When we see you we just go in your shit
It's repercussions for actions, we demanded more
Don't understand it, dawg
Question all these niggas with words they never answer for
Staring at you new niggas still from an older state
It's feeling like Oscar Robertson watching Golden State
Y'all hear Post Malone and think of "White Iverson"
I think of Karl and how he could've got the title won
I keep my life off Instagram like my private some
I open albums for the credits, y'all just Tidal 'em
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in here
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in this bitch
When there was problems with the game I got to sculpting that bitch
But they just kept talking about my hoes, I don't even notice the shit
I got a stash I never go in and shit
Same emotionless kids
Stoic as if I'm just a motionless gift
Normally in the club tucked in the corner, no one to mind me
You niggas go and look for these bitches, they come and find me
Y'all praise it, I be disgusted
Cause I don't want the points for scoring on easy buckets
(And what else?)
And I don't count her if she ain't alter my weekly budget
Or if she Snapchat every portion that we in public
That's awful, she need to cut it (she need to cut it)
Bria's in the W with Sandra
The escorts fuck with me, that's a double entendre
Both got fat asses, one's a double cup monster
Both used to mad attention, it's my subtly they fond of
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in here
It's Uncle Joe, it's Uncle Joe in this bitch

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