
Songtext Una palabra Outlandish


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Una palabra

(feat. Majid)

This ain't a story 'bout race, color or creed
It's a story 'bout hate, envy and greed

Talk about ambitions but don't want us to progress

Ya talk about assistance but all we get is the stress

U don't really wanna see me grow

Hating on me choking on my flow

U say we rude, don't like our attitude

We crude, ain't got no gratitude

But I wasn't born to be low, I was born to rise
Wasn't born to pretend or keep my faith in disguise
Ain't got no freedom of speech

No freedom to teach - make our kids out of reach

Wanna break ties - alienated in their own land

Running riot in the streets, day by day getting out of hand

U don't want me to be an inspiration

U wanna blame me for agitation

How can u tell me 'bout participation

When all u really want is segregation

Una palabra no dice nada

Y al mismo tiempo

Lo esconde todo

Como aquel viento que esconde el agua

Como las flores que esconde el lodo


One word contains nothing

And at the same time

It contains everything

Like the air contains water

Like the flowers contain the mire

Is it my religion - u keep seeing as a threat
U think it's all about - murder, violence and death

But do u care to find - find the truth

Or is it easier to keep fronting and oppressing our youth

Is this why I'm a be awestruck?
Damn these lies just make us stuck

Bow down to something greater

Nah forget that maybe later

Really must be joking, deceits and lies is all I see

Should I be your enemy or should I trust your lies

Should your treatment of my peeps make us forge them ties

Got to tell me the truth as it is

Or we'll be keeping coming back right here to this

Second class citizen in my own home

Been 30 years gone - and still no dome, still gotta stay strong

Thinking I'm thick trying to sell me this hypocrisy
Heard it before, u must be kidding me!

Wanna dictate who I marry

And even what my sis? should wear

Then prevent her from a job

Stuck on welfare - seems

To provoke and oppress us is ok - seems

Racism is cool - despite what u say

Wanna blame us for ya shortcomings

Just want a scapegoat

Still seeing us like a problem

Like we just off the boat

Guess u wanted cheap labour to build ya home

Una palabra no dice nada

Y al mismo tiempo

Lo esconde todo
Como aquel viento que esconde el agua

Como las flores que esconde el lodo

Una Mirada no dice nada

Y al mismo tiempo

Lo dice todo

Como la lluvia sobre tu cara

O el Viejo mapa de algún tesoro


One word contains nothing

And at the same time

It contains everything

Like the air contains water

Like the flowers contain the mire

One look contains nothing

And at the same time

It contains everything

Like the rain on your face

Or an old map leading you to some treasure

Where the next Abu Dharr atà

Where the next Khalid Ibn Walid aka Sayf-Allah atà
Tell us how we fuel this crime

Everyday statistics, everyday media - plenty of us doing time

Why should I take the blame or shame

When I know u just looking for someone to frame

My individual freedom; abused

Redicule of my deen, my beliefs, guess I be the new jew
I've become the new ni**a of the world

Product of your society, adopted your values in their entirety
Wasn't born like this, I was made this way

U like it or not, player - I'm here to stay

We walk the same streets, breathe the same air

Add to this state, but do u even care?
Guess u gotta reciprocate

Want us to be people of faith or people of hate?

U got your deen, I got mine - okay?

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Outlandish is a multi-award winning hip-hop group based in Denmark. Formed in 1997, they consist of Isam Bachiri (born in Denmark and of Moroccan background) Waqas Ali Qadri (born in Denmark and of Pakistani background) and Lenny Martinez (born in Honduras and is of Cuban and Honduran descent). All three members are devoutly religious, Isam and Waqas being Muslims, and Lenny being Catholic. The band members live in Brondby Strand.

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