Jody Breeze

Songtext Umm crack Jody Breeze


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Umm crack

[VERSE 1:]
Shh... Go
Yeah, I'm feelin' like a crack addict, fresh up out the county jail yeah, I'm back at it,
Black caddy, black coat, black khakis, keep flossin' them Carats, you gon get jack rabbit,
Ya'll niggas ok but me I'm a young classic, I'm in the trap got the work, doin' gymnastics,
Money's my motivation, know that I gots to have, the way I flow is not a hobby, more like a habit,
You know I'm cool with no ice on, but I wear it anyway, hoes say that it look nice on (nice on),
N they call me Mr. Pipelong, I make hits, ya'll make nice songs,
N it's 08, n so great, don't hate, or else, 44's in yo face,
Blah, send you on your way, ain't nobody stoppin' me, bitch I'm on my way.

Cause I'm crack,
Even though I never left I'm back,
If you lookin' for some gangsta shit this is where it's at,
Matter fact I'm a beast up on the track,
I am all of the above,
I'm a pimp, I'm a player, I'm a mack, I'm crack,
Even though I never left I'm back,
If you lookin' for some gangsta shit this is where it's at,
Matter fact I'm a beast up on the track,
I am all of the above,
I'm a pimp, I'm a player, I'm a mack, I'm crack!

[VERSE 2:]
Yeah, I like my bitches yellow, with a nice petite, n a ass shake like jello, hello,
They know, bitch I'm from the ghetto, but I'm still a pro at this, you can call me Carmello,
I blow a lot of dro, so I keep a cigarello, I rep the westside, like my nigga shawty ello,
I'm all good in my hood, I'm a hero, ya'll quarterpounds, but me, I'm a whole kilo,
I'm spit propane that cocaine flow, see hoes think I'm crazy, but I so-sane no (so-sane no),
Haha, n never been one of the scary guys, last nigga tried me, I left his ass paralyzed,
I'm a tell you one time, n one time only, I'm a real nigga, n I don't like phonies,
I got this, I got that, you want this, then holla back, you want that, then take this, n that back.

Cause I'm crack,
Even though I never left I'm back,
If you lookin' for some gangsta shit this is where it's at,
Matter fact I'm a beast up on the track,
I am all of the above,
I'm a pimp, I'm a player, I'm a mack, I'm crack,
Even though I never left I'm back,
If you lookin' for some gangsta shit this is where it's at,
Matter fact I'm a beast up on the track,
I am all of the above,
I'm a pimp, I'm a player, I'm a mack, I'm crack!

[VERSE 3:]
But I'm no fools, who don't be fools, cause I'm so cool, n I'm so smooth,
N I'm usually not rude, but I could be so chill for, cruisin' where your hood be, uzi up your crib,
Show you I'm a real G, nigga I get money, while flexin' and you poppin',
N it seems to me that all you niggas talk about is necklaces and watches, n them diamonds in your bracelets,
We'll take it, yeah I'm watchin' this, we some boyz in da hood, sell anything for profit.

Cause I'm crack,
Even though I never left I'm back,
If you lookin' for some gangsta shit this is where it's at,
Matter fact I'm a beast up on the track,
I am all of the above,
I'm a pimp, I'm a player, I'm a mack, I'm crack,
Even though I never left I'm back,
If you lookin' for some gangsta shit this is where it's at,
Matter fact I'm a beast up on the track,
I am all of the above,
I'm a pimp, I'm a player, I'm a mack, I'm crack!

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