Headie One

Songtext Triple science Headie One


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Triple science

Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn

Interview rooms, stay silent, hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance
If I ever took that oath I'm lyin', even when I'm wrong, I'm tryna stay righteous
How many times did he leave man lifeless, end up on a wing with lifers (Turn, turn)
Bro's the tightest, he sent man a fiver, I guess it's the thought that counts
Five hundred English Pounds in fivers, I still can't afford her nails
In the bando, studyin' triple science, grab the Pyrex, it's goin' down
Look at the flick of the wrist all I need is an hour (Turn, turn, ah)
Ask Scott if he came to th? night shift, even though his gaff's all bait in town

Even thos? gaffs all bait in town
I check out the bando like it ain't
Uh, them times was hundred pounds an' eighth
Wasted time on my estate
Look at the bando, it's a state
After the bro, could've of got me paid
Then I had to turn it and run from fate
All the times that I wanted to call it quits, I stayed
To the times that I had to go flush that grub, cah I went and caught a raid (One)
I really had to be feedin' a part, she said she want fold that like the wings
No she don't want crack, she just tryna stay mellow, this one yellow, it's Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan, I still got a shoebox, a year for savin', savin'
Really taught so much patience
Done it on smoke, tryna turn man patient, patient
Really had to put in that work with China, we didn't have time for raving, raving
With the T house man stayed in, couldn't care less 'cause the money just came in

Interview rooms, stay silent, hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance
If I ever took that oath I'm lyin', even when I'm wrong, I'm tryna stay righteous
How many times did he leave man lifeless, end up on a wing with lifers (Turn, turn)
Bro's the tightest, he sent man a fiver, I guess it's the thought that counts
Five hundred English Pounds in fivers, I still can't afford her nails
In the bando, studyin' triple science, grab the Pyrex, it's goin' down
Look at the flick of the wrist all I need is an hour (Turn, turn, ah)
Ask Scott if he came to the night shift, even though his gaff's all bait in town

The T house bullet, shotgun, they Asian
Don't get us all shot like Kaylum
My youngboy wanna trap me, trainin'
He already know how to drill them pagans
Pagans, pagans, everywhere I look, I see pagans (One)
He tryna do both, tryna score and distribute balls like Chamberlain
All the times that I built a new spot, geography
Bicarbonate, rest, that's chemistry
Countin' up bread, that's physics
You ever seen a fiend OD, biology (Uh)
Paranoia on the first day, thinkin' every car is a jake tryna follow me
Did up mans properly, ching man's head
I've never really been a fan of psychology
Fuck them feds
They made my association sociology
Who ever cares what a survey said?
Tell 'em "Let me get the whole loaf of bread"
Did they ever left the shit on my doorsteps?
Country phones 'cause I dove off ends
Keep the blinds closed, stay low from feds or I'm back in the wing tryna conk man's head

Interview rooms, stay silent, hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance
If I ever took that oath I'm lyin', even when I'm wrong, I'm tryna stay righteous
How many times did he leave man lifeless, end up on a wing with lifers (Turn, turn)
Bro's the tightest, he sent man a fiver, I guess it's the thought that counts
Five hundred English Pounds in fivers, I still can't afford her nails
In the bando, studyin' triple science, grab the Pyrex, it's goin' down
Look at the flick of the wrist all I need is an hour (Turn, turn, ah)
Ask Scott if he came to the night shift, even though his gaff's all bait in town

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