Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Trap my ass off Waka Flocka Flame


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Der musikalische text TRAP MY ASS OFF von WAKA FLOCKA FLAME ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Flockaveli 2 (2018)

Flockaveli 2


Trap my ass off

Boy Brick Squad
This shit the mob, nigga
Cook! Bow bow
Louney G on the track
You know!

Bustin' bags down on the counter
Right next to the money counter
Right next to the police scanner
Paid a nigga just to watch the camera
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter (you know)
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Right next to the money counter
Right next to the police scanner
Paid a nigga just to watch the camera
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bust-bustin' bags down on the counter (you know)

Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off

Yeah, you know
When the junkie hit the rock, glass jaw
Migo called my phone, said I need a fuckin' mental [?], yeah, yeah
I'll get a nigga poked up for some honey buns, yeah, yeah
Trap spot got plenty guns
Sold a hundred pounds, that's a home run
Bust his head for a dirty bird
Charge him 37 for a whole one
Switch his spot, 6 month run
My flag bleedin' like a nose run
'Bout to crank up a new trap spot
[?] lil' rock 'cause that [?]
And if a nigga play with my money
Then my young niggas on his ass, duck huntin'
Bringin' quarters back like Andrew Luck
Gotta charge extra if we cook it up
Strippin' bitches countin' money naked
That Lamb' truck, bitch, I gotta have it
Flex! Flex!

Bustin' bags down on the counter
Right next to the money counter
Right next to the police scanner
Paid a nigga just to watch the camera
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Right next to the money counter
Right next to the police scanner
Paid a nigga just to watch the camera
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bust-bustin' bags down on the counter (you know)

Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off

Say it twice Clayco
I got that Spanish cocaine, call it J. Lo
We flip that work, take a trip to Barbados
We dropped that lean in the Faygo
You got that lean with the karo
Make that ho leave with a bankroll
I'll put the beam on the k hole
I trap my ass off like Stoney and Hundo
Get off that work like I'm down in Diego
Clayco Clayco, Flocka connected like Lego
Hit up my migo, no Quavo
They send a mill if I say so
Play with the work, gon' be fatal
Hole in your head like a bagel
Residue all on the table
Tourin' and trappin', trappin' and tourin'
Trap house bring in what you pay for that foreign
Made junkies jump from the free throw like Jordan
Watch what you say 'cause you know they recordin'
These roosters I'm servin' don't chirp in the mornin'
Get rid of these babies like we do abortions
I just bought a morgue, I put bricks in the coffin
That's on my flag, nigga

Bustin' bags down on the counter
Right next to the money counter
Right next to the police scanner
Paid a nigga just to watch the camera
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Right next to the money counter
Right next to the police scanner
Paid a nigga just to watch the camera
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bustin' bags down on the counter
Bust-bustin' bags down on the counter (you know)

Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off
Trap, trap my ass off

Say it twice [?]
I got that Spanish cocaine, call it J. Lo
We flip that work, take a trip to Barbados
We dropped that lean in the Faygo
I'll put the beam on the k hole
Flockaveli 2

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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