Joe Budden

Songtext Touch & go Joe Budden


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Touch & go

One question, now who rep jersey like me
Baby, few dudes is worthy like me
You know I keep something pretty by me
Good pair of frames, polo, white tee
Ya see somethin with a body, have em like please
Extra small waist, top lookin like D's
Ya know I don't cuff em, I make em wifey
Cause you ain't coco and I ain't iced tee
So it's unlikely, I trick on her by the bar
Tattoo on her back says china dog
Joey, talk to em like imus dog
And give head to a brother, need a tylenol
And let's keep what we do on the low
No entourage, it's a one man show
Let's break out from the club around 4
And there's just one thing that a nigga must know
Can we

Touch go, touch and go, touch go
Touch and go, touch and go, touch go
Touch go, touch and go

She said she had a man but so
There's just one thing that I really must know
Can we

Touch and go, touch go
Touch go, touch and go

I mean I've been seeing the broad, you just met her
I'm in the tell with her, you just text her
You just chase her, you just sweat her
She plays you out, you just let her
You just peck her, you protect her
I don't even understand them gestures
I undress her, throw her on the dresser
Normally the broad look like? ester?
But if she act up, gotta check her
Arm round neck, that's just my regular
Excetera, my serve is like federer
The rodger cat, now do you rodger that
Let's keep what we do on the low
No entourage it's a one man show
Let's break out from the club around 4
And there's just one thing that a nigga must know
Can we

Touch go, touch and go, touch go
Touch and go, touch and go, touch go
Touch go, touch and go

She said she had a man but so
There's just one thing that I really must know
Can we

Touch and go, touch go
Touch go, touch and go

How you doing tonight
Matter of fact, what you doing tonight
If the answers nothing
I'm hoping us two can get into something
So let me know what you doing tonight
Maybe I'm what your doing tonight
Call me up naked, what you home alone
Make the tone long, and that's the phone bone
Look, I ain't gotta compliment you
Me being me, compliments you
On the balcony, or in the tub
On the plane, join the mile high club
From the club to the bathroom stall
Whatever whereever cause she ain't wearing no drawers
Whoa baby I likes it raw
But let's keep it behind closed doors

Touch go, touch and go, touch go
Touch and go, touch and go, touch go
Touch go, touch and go

She said she had a man but so
There's just one thing that I really must know
Can we

Touch and go, touch go
Touch go, touch and go

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