Guapdad 4000

Songtext Touch dough Guapdad 4000


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Touch dough

DTB on the beat, that's broke

You couldn't be a better scammer than me
Even if you scammed everyday of the week
I been up in Gucci with a top notch freak
Nigga, I get money everyday in the week
Ayy, you couldn't be a better scammer than me
Even if you scammed everyday of the week
I been up in Gucci with a top notch freak
Nigga, I get money everyday in the week
Ayy, I've been launderin' funds
Through the money transfer
'Fore I go out scammin'
I do the mon?y dance first
When you walk in the stor?
You gotta say what we rehearsed
You don't want them to hate
And then the payment get reversed
Write shit down, and the funds get dispersed
Rather get the pay cut last, then go first
Gettin' gold like a king
Till' my tomb gettin' searched
If you move like you knew
Then your room gettin' searched
'Fore you re-up you gotta do your research
When you in your own world
You know how the creeps lurk
I shine like [?], like I'm surk
Like the anime, I'm in my bag goin' berzerk
It's about who took the W last, not first
Gucci grim reaper, put the beat in a hearst
I'm an asshole, so you find me in a skirt
I'm about money, she gon' find me in her purse

Let my nuts go
Scrollin' through my comments (Biatch)
Looking at my options, looking for a problem
Let my, nuts go yeah I hope you funded (Biatch)
Fund your own business, you should go and find it
I just want to touch though, I just want the finest (Biatch)
I just want the big big bag and the diamonds
I just want a touch though, I just want the finest (Biatch)
I just want the big big bag and the diamonds

I been getting all this money and I shouldn't be
I could turn a 10 into a 20 piece
Ten toes down into a center piece
Two cars off, three accounts, that's a 23
I don't have no friends in this industry
I just got old family and new family
They all been with me
Get the fuck from round me, you ain't into me
Rag tied 'round my crown
If not I'll probably drown all my enemies
Business cards, and many accounts, I'm a entity
I like when the nipples pretty brown, and the tit's are D
I just gotta check from a vending machine
I just got a neck for my [?]
Rollie, presi, presi like a Kennedy
Light a candle, set the mood, and steal somebody identities
Know somebody out there, probably wanna show a kid to me
Too many nice, fuck 'em raw, when off the Hennessey
R.I.P. Nip, every lap is a victory
These bitches ain't shit to me, I tell 'em-

Let my nuts go
Scrollin' through my comments (Biatch)
Looking at my options, looking for a problem
Let my, nuts go, yeah I hope you funded (Biatch)
Fund your own business, you should go and find it
I just want to touch though, I just want the finest (Biatch)
I just want the big big bag and the diamonds
I just want a touch though, I just want the finest (Biatch)
I just want the big big bag and the diamonds

Let my nuts go (Biatch)
Let my, let my nuts go
I just want a-

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