
Songtext Top of the world Brandy


Top of the world

(feat. Mase)

Brandy on top of the world
Darkchild on top of the world
Ma$e be on top of the world
Harlem World be on top of the world
Brandy on top of the world
Darkchild be top of the world
M-A-dollar sign-E all over the world
Brandy all over the world
All over the world (2x)

I went from Helly Hanson to mini-mansions
The girls in Aruba doing belly-dancings
Spent half of my advancing
Jaws from branson
I make it through my circumstances
But u know I'm wiser now
Move like kaiser now
gotta butter soft cover just to hide my pound
gotta house in the valley
Come and find me now
Got enough dough to buy the town
So I might give a 6 to my chick
Benz to my mom
Crib so big it look like the Sinigon
Give a couch just to spill henny on
And Benadon since Lados and Benaton


Some people say that I'm not the same girl
They say that I think I'm in my own world
What makes them think that I have changed
A little dough cannot erase my problems
Me like you I have to try and solve them
Yes everything is quite the same

[Chorus :]
I'm just trying to be me
Doing what I got to do
Some people think that I'm
Just sittin on top of the world
I'm just try to be me proving what I got to prove
Some people think that I'm
Just sittin' on top of the world

I wonder why it's often said
That my lifes a fairy tale and
Everything is so right
I wish that you could know the truth
My life is real so please don't get it twisted
Problems the same and got to be dealt with
These are the things I wish you knew

Always in someone's eye so many questions why
How is it to be down with me with me
Afraid to express myself always me and someone else
I need to be free but its not that easy


Don't understand why people
Think I don't have friends
Who knew me bad when
This was my dream nothing has changed
I still do the same things


Yo,you can quit cookin short if it ain't about cake
I ain't sittin on top I want a house on a lake
I'm that snotty nosed cat with a new BM
If you mess with Brandy I gotta bruise your chin
I be with Puff the girls be like "Who's his friend?"
If I hit a chick once you probably move me in
So you gotta tell me right now
Either your wit
The cats that make the hits or the ones that see the chips (Slow down Mase
your killin me)
But don't stop it
Whats the use of buying a weight if I'm a hav to chop it
I use the let a lady till I learned the logics
She only mess with Ma$e know the money aint an object
If it ain't crissy he won't pop it
If it ain't platinum with ice he won't rock it
If it don't cost 60 he don't drop it
If it don't come with TVs he won't cop it
u can stop it , yea yea yea what what what?


Brandy on top of the world
Darkchild on top of the world
Mase be on top of the world
Harlem World be on top of the world
Brandy on top of the world
Darkchild be top of the world
M-A-dollar sign-E all over the world
Brandy all over the world
[2x] All over the world...

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