
Songtext Too many man Skepta


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Too many man

[feat. Boy Better Know & Wiley]

Shorty yeah I rep BBK
Monday to Sunday I'm like BBK
JME Skepta Wiley Frisco Maximum yeah that's BBK
Add me to the list that's BBK
Can't forget sam that's BBK
I've seen a lot of guys doin this ting but none of them flex like BBK.

[Chorus: Skepta]
We need some more girls in here [x4]
There's too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man.

We need some more girls in here [x4]
There's too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man.

We need some more girls in here
It's gonna break loose like hell in here
When I see a few blue cantrall's in here
Bare man not enough girls in here
Too many man too many many man
Wanna hype and block them stairs in here
No sharp shoes just nike airs in here.

It's air in here
It's only 55 pound for a bottle but I don't wanna buy one
I'm looking for a girl but I can't find one
Thought it was an I'm doing it again party
But it's more like a god forgive me if I bust my 9 one
Wiley I told you we should have linked them ministry links
Come we finish these drinks and head out
Can't believe I rented a room with a bed out.

[Chorus: Skepta]
We need some more girls in here [x4]
There's too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man.

We need some more girls in here [x4]
There's too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man.

Some stick up in shoobz
No high heels just hoods
No cleavage just creps
About 10 man look like Skeps
I see bare guys on the queue and ting
The rave come like muscle base chin
No boring no creps madder mans gonna jam behind the decks.

I come through like what is it on
Skeps he's my man what is he on
I ain't come here to try merk anybody
But forget the hype if it's on then it's on
I'll dunna mans dance then I'm gone then I'm gone
Skeng daddy bars when I'm on when I'm on
I just wanna make a lickle vibe for the galdem
Hotel pop off the thong then it's on with a lickle bit of hydrate; Dom Perignon
Champagne Hennessy not very long
We need some more girls in here
Couples chantelle's and chanelle's in here
So pass me the bitter let me get heavy on
Buff ting gally rude boy sling it on
There's too many man too many many man
I'll slew any man slew any any man.

[Chorus: Skepta]
We need some more girls in here [x4]
There's too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man.

We need some more girls in here [x4]
There's too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man
Too many man too many many man

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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