Kodak Black

Songtext Too boosie Kodak Black


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Der musikalische text TOO BOOSIE von KODAK BLACK ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Before the album (2021)

Before the album


Too boosie

I been thinking like
The Hip-Hop community and like you know the BET awards and all that like
They should appreciate like all the real ones and like set a Grammys up for the real ones like
How you forget about Boosie, how you forget about B.G. and Soulja Slim
Shit, how you forget about me, Chief Keef, Juvenile, and Plies
Forget the niggas who died and niggas got murked, forget about Turk

I pistol-whipped a nigga for 40 minutes straight too Boosie
I sent a few hits on niggas, I bust'd a play too Boosie
I rocked a fade too Boosie
Sipped purpl? drink too Boosie
How they forget B.G., forg?t about me, forget about you Boosie

C Murda, They need to set the sniper free
He was still calling me with rumors, I'm beefin' with Master P
And that's his brother, he peeped that I'm a real one
What about the niggas tryna hit a lick and tryna kill some
We need a Grammy for the thugs, cause we don't get no love
When we sacrifice our life and having shootouts by the club
(?) and (?), the niggas in the pen
And rapper that fell short cause they ain't get a chance to live
Yeah, for Cassidy and (?), altercations and bullets ringing, that lil' nigga C'd up
The project babies gang banging, hanging and pistol slanging
(?) killing and stealing just to make it

I pistol-whipped a nigga before the millions straight too Boosie
I sent a few hits on niggas, I bust'd a play too Boosie
I rocked a fade too Boosie
Sipped purple drink too Boosie
How they forget B.G., forget about me, forget about you Boosie

They need a Grammy for Pop Hen and Bobo and Hell Rell
We at the bottom of the map, Miami and Lauderdale
Pompanoya and niggas on the corner
And Lil Snupe, Taxstone, and Cassanova
For the OG's who raised me, I was already, at 14, sippin' codeine
R.I.P. Pop Smoke and MO3
The niggas underground local wishing to sign a deal for a million
It's either that or penitentiary
What about the niggas out here water whippin' to pay their studio session and all that sweatin' in the kitchen
The niggas rapping what they living, Bobby Shmurda, niggas gonna pull a murder
Them niggas who ain't with the dissing

I pistol-whipped a nigga before the millions straight too Boosie
I sent a few hits on niggas, I bust'd a play too Boosie
I rocked a fade too Boosie
Sipped purple drink too Boosie
How they forget B.G., forget about me, forget about you Boosie

Yeah, need an award for the boys on that trap shit, them niggas that jack shit
Them niggas on that Kodak Black shit, like fuck this rap shit, they wack shit
All that, nam sayin
Pac and all them, nam sayin like
Ain't too many of us

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