Dixie Chicks

Songtext Tights on my boat Dixie Chicks


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Tights on my boat

I hope you die peacefully in your sleep
Just kidding, I hope it hurts like you hurt me
I hope that, when you think of me, you can't breathe (Ah, hmm)
I hope you never find a sock to match the other one
Hey, will your dad pay your taxes now that I am done?
I can promise you're not foolin' anyone (Mmm)

And you can tell the girl who left her tights on my boat
That she can have you now
Yeah, you can tell the girl who left her tights on my boat
That she can have you now

You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
You are, you are (Ah-ah)
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
Can't be the first one to ever tell ya
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
You are, you are

If it's the last thing I see, yeah
If it's the last thing I see, ah, oh

Remember when you wouldn't come away with me?
Sent your mom instead, yeah, that was a real thing
I shoulda known you were trouble
Just save myself from all the trouble
You came to visit on tour and you made me cry
Wouldn't speak to me for weeks and now I know why, yeah (Ah)

And you can tell the girl who left her tights on my boat
That she can have you now
Yeah, you can call her right now
And tell her that she can have you right now

You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
Bet I won't be the last one to tell ya
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
You are, you are (Ah-ah)
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
Just 'cause I'm singin', don't let it fool ya
You're gonna get what you got comin' to ya
You are, you are

If it's the last thing I see
If it's the last thing I see, hey, hey
The last thing I see

Oh, you're gonna get what you got comin'
Get what you get, get what you got comin'
You're gonna get what you got comin'
Get what you get, get what you got comin'
You're gonna get what you got comin'
Get what you get, get what you got comin'
You're gonna get what you got comin'
Get what you get, get what you got comin'
You're gonna get what you got comin'

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In recent years the Dixie Chicks (with a name inspired from the Little Feat song "Dixie Chicken") have become more famous for their outspoken political stance than for their music, but their long list of awards is testimony to the enduring appeal of their tuneful and gentle country sound.

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