Ill Bill

Songtext This is who i am Ill Bill


This is who i am

[Uncle Howie talking]

I get up, I go to my methadone program to get my meth. I drink my meth and I go make some money and go get whatever I can get high on. That's about it. Fucking get high. What else is there?


This is who I am, this is what the world made me
I don't give a fuck whether you love me or hate me
I'm gonna die like that, forever at war
Hated by most, loved by few, respected by all
This is who I am, this is what the world made me
I don't give a fuck whether you love me or hate me
I'm gonna ride like that, forever at war
Hated by most, loved by few, respected by all

[Verse 1]

With everything you gain there's something you lose
You best be real clear on that, something you choose
Sometimes the most valuable things mean nothing to fools
And they don't want it till they see it means something to you
But you can't have what's mine, homie, get your own
Get the fuck out my face and stay in your lane
You ain't nothing like me, kid, we ain't the same
Get the fuck off my dick and stay in your lane
Old school like Power Play, lounging with Fatal
Nas rhyming in the lobby, Rakim in the ?
Before Non Phixion I was up at Chung King
With Onyx and Jam Master J puffing the chronic
A good dude, rest in peace
RIP, the big DS as well, I'mma spark the L
Think about hard it was to come up in the game
Over twenty years I love it the same
Matter fact even love it more at the end of the day
Been wanting to work with Muggs
Since Cypress first dropped Real Estate
Now I'm doing what I want to do, La Coka Nostra
I won't stop till I'm on the wanted poster
Came a long way from talent shows with Black Moon
When Chuck Chilla was the manager for both of our groups
This is '92, I'm talking bout fifteen years ago
In the Who's Got Da Props video with Gucci Row
My world, my life's deep, you can't imagine
Cause the lies torture hatred in my soul like a cancer
Neither can be bought nor sold no matter the ransom
And neither truly exists without the other as the answer
Mankind so inherently evil
We made laws, religion, and jails simply to protect us from ourselves
Got too many cases, get arrested for robberies that I didn't do
My mugshot's in regular rotation


This is who I am
This is who I am

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