Max B

Songtext They don't know Max B


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They don't know

Proud of you, boy
See, what they don't know
We family
It's just us, baby

Nigga I'm in the zone
Coming home
They don't know

I spray off whole clips
Play off old shit 'cause they don't know
They was saying I wrote shit
They don't know
They?was saying we?hopeless
But we focused
'Cause I'm in the zone
Coming home
They don't know

Better get the molasses out your ass girl
Her money slowing but we live in a fast world
Bigga getting money, he gotta fast car
I was sellin' dreams to my last girl
Hop in the Double R T, not a scratch
It's the third chauffeur this week
Scoop V.I.P, he on 139th St
Bag of cheese doddles, coconut Italian ices
Lil Kill Bill, pop a chill pill
I can go on the Ave 'til this day and it's still real, but
You barley see me now, I'm too up
Maxi on TV now, black copped two trucks
Shorty was something fine, Rollie another time
Rolled up another piece, snorted another line
Perfume Dior, CHANEL No. 9
Cold as the Artic Blast, temperature hundred five
I can smell a deuce even when I ride
I tell the truth even when I lie
Nigga we the proof even when I die
3 piece Armani suit, that nigga fly

I spray off whole clips
Play off old shit 'cause they don't know
They was saying I wrote shit
Yeah, I wrote shit
They don't know
They was saying we hopeless
But we focused
'Cause I'm in the zone
Coming home
They don't know

Added a new roof top, yeah
I'm the reincarnated 2
Pac, yeah
Camilla Cabella, she on the radar
Continental GT, I gotta AR
Got 'em in the cheap seats, I gotta pay y'all
Jealous of EMG, they don't wanna play y'all
Gotta AK, I shoot deers
Run up on you like Chakka Zulu, nigga, I threw spears
Gotta figure that made me mad
Bitches is crazy bad
Fucking her dog style, finger in baby ass
See me, she wanna flirt, tease me I wanna squirt you
Fuck and hook up a steak, Celli from Color Purple
Snoop had me sipping Gin, it's a team effort
See, it don't matter who get the numbers as long as we get the win
Get to the money first, family I get 'em second
The bitches I get 'em last
When it's beef, I get the weapon

I spray off whole clips
Play off old shit 'cause they don't know
They was saying I wrote shit
Yeah, I wrote shit
They don't know
They was saying we hopeless
But we focused
'Cause I'm in the zone
Coming home
They don't know
Spray off whole clips
Play off old shit 'cause they don't know
They was saying I wrote shit
Yeah, I wrote shit
They don't know
They was saying we hopeless
But we focused
'Cause I'm in the zone
Coming home
They don't know

We family
We Wingates, baby
Boss Don Biggavel
Color Purple
We working hard
Aye, VIP man
Time to reap the fruits of your labor
Oh, yeah
It's EMG Music baby
I'm in the zone
They don't know
I'm coming home

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