
Songtext Thehooddoctor Nocap


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Der musikalische text THEHOODDOCTOR von NOCAP ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Steel human (2020)

Steel human



My momma told me thuggin' is gon' cost you
I'm thinking fuck that, drugs gon' solve my problems
I can't afford that, but I'm still taking losses
Devil's on my back, God would (?)
The Hood Doctor, but I'm losing all my patients
They in the dirt, or they all incarcerated
Setting defense, I feel like I could shake it
They so good at showing fake love (ohh)
I'm an inch away from giving up

If I got a dollar for every casket I seen, I'd be a millionaire
Ask God to let me stop in Hell before I get to heaven (yeah)
I hate to say it but most my niggas there
Your kids want some tennis shoes
Your car note and your rent due
Robbing not his hustle
It's just some shit that he got into
Tend to get in my feelings when I'm venting what I been through
Life is a bitch, won't take her panties off (yeah)
Every time shit be going good it don't last
I'd buy a spine, I'd do anything to get my niggas back
Massage me when a opp die
I'm homicide relaxin'Seem like the ones leave be the ones that I'm attached to
Fred took his last breath on Birdsville steps
I hope you make it out
This for the ones that's still there
You got two options in the hood
Nigga, that's jail or death

My momma told me thuggin' is gon' cost you
I'm thinking fuck that, drugs gon' solve my problems
I can't afford that, but I'm still taking losses
Devil's on my back, God would (?)
The Hood Doctor, but I'm losing all my patients
They in the dirt, or they all incarcerated
Setting defense, I feel like I could shake it
They so good at showing fake love (ohh)
I'm an inch away from giving up

I talked to Draco through the glass
I told him I got his lawyer
I'm sorry we was round them Drac's like we was Mr. Carter (ay)
Interviews get boring, I can't tell my story
I slip and say the wrong thing, MPD gonna extort me
Rolex got my chain mad
They so bipolar, they be arguing and dancing
I know it's killing her inside to keep it cool, cause she a real fan
Even though I'm a rapper, I cannot come back and get another Chance
C-Lo didn't wanna die, that was God plan
Two watches but I still show up late
Home or second base, really none of that shit ain't safe right now
Prayers up, I did the opposite I hate I let 'em down

My momma told me thuggin' is gon cost you
I'm thinking fuck that, drugs gon solve my problems
I can't afford that, but I'm still taking losses
Devils on my back, God would (?)
The Hood Doctor, but I'm losing all my patients
They in the dirt, or they all incarcerated
Setting defense, I feel like I could shake it
They so good at showing fake love (ohh)
I'm an inch away from giving up

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