Insane Clown Posse

Songtext The witch Insane Clown Posse


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The witch

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
The witch jumped on my back last night, I couldn't breathe
In it's clutch, I was frozen with fright
It went on for, what seemed like hours of terror
To see the witches face, stare in the dark at the mirror

[Violent J]
The witch told me, my girlfriend was a demon
And all this fallin' in love shit, I'm dreamin'
And it's pain to the angels, if I don't deliver
Sealed her off in a barrel, and rolled her in a river

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
The witch told me, my left arm is possessed
So I broke it at first, and then I went and confessed
But they put me in a home, my arm still wouldn't leave me alone
Finally had to chew it off at the bone

[Violent J]
The witch told me, to crawl under my house and just wait
Don't panic if I suffocate
I bit the tail off a oppossum down there at one point
It's so boring, and it's dark but the witch is my light

Something is standing between me and my sanity!
They say my witch is a dream, morbid fantasy!
I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake em'!
I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake em'!

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
The witch taught me, how to cut up a body
It's nasty and wretched, and hella bloody
But it's gotta get done, and somebody's gotta do it
I kick the fuckin' face in, and put my knife through it

[Violent J]
The witch jumped on me again, here we go
Layin' in my bed, I can't breathe anymo'
Layin' in my bed, I can't move anymo'
There's a demon floating in my face, clampin' my jaw

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
The witch told me, I gotta murder this one kid
K, well, maybe the witch didn't then, but I did
With a ninja suit, crept through like a black widow
with the crossbow, stuck him in the neck like ditto

[Violent J]
The witch told me, about blood that rains
Out of the neck, and what particular veins
And about murder witnessin', death settin' in
And it ain't no heaven, that's lettin' me in


[Shaggy 2 Dope]
The witch told me, to put my feet in the fire
And hold on, til everything below the knees gone
Now I'm in a wheelchair, with only an arm but don't care
I can still throw my hatchet in the air

[Violent J]
The witch got me, in a predicament, it ain't good
I got somebody head posted on my hood
4:30 a.m. and we rollin' through the ghetto
Shaggy ridin' shotgun, and the witch is in the middle

[Chorus Till End]

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ICP know there's nothing creepier than a crazy clown, so they dress as psycho jesters and rap about their violent personas. Though they've built a dedicated fan-base, many critics accuse them of being immature and misogynistic, and some have even named them the worst group in the world.

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