Joe Budden

Songtext The way you love Joe Budden


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The way you love

Turn me up in the headphone something
(New Joe Budden)

First off let me shout out the fam, y'all so gracious
Been chilling in the room for growth, it's so spacious
Getting to the money, counting these old faces
Like I found the smoking gun in cold cases (nah)
Them dark thoughts never got to 'em still
I'm like the legendary Robin Will
Even though I understand I never dealt with the pain like that
A knot from that same rope, but I don't hang like that
We had a couple break-ups - gotta respect Cuzz and I'll hit the reset button
You try to reset Budden, it's real
My accomplishments, already show 'em how I deal with the consequence
And you can ask Consequence
She reached out via text, like "what up with the guy?"
Which is weird, it's been a year since we fraternized
Still I made my way back in her life
Only to prove to myself I wouldn't fuck up twice
We reminiscing, thinking hella back
You had to watch me with her, but the hell with that
Cause I think that me carrying that thought kinda washed me with her
And even that's cool, cause me and you is not me and her
I took a little hiatus, hope you could see the change
I was too high to say this, how could I explain?
Thought my mouth was quiet, my mom was like a Ferguson riot
Why it only get worse when I'm in private
Were we victims to the game, trying to do it over
Here's the gift for an exchange
It's timeout for the public these niggas won't know a thing
So we keep each other blocked on Twitter, it's not a game
Like a picture in a frame for now
Drunk models, couple Swishers and a stack here

Everytime I walk away, you [???]
But your words don't mean a thing when [???]
Tell me is this the way
The way that you love me
Tell me is this the way
The way that you care

She said she wanna set boundaries
Can't continue to have you surrounding me
Cause that'll lead to you on this couch pounding me
That'll bring them feelings back, that's just out of bounds to me
It's been years, last bitch ain't come around to me
Send my tone of voice down, like you speaking down to me
Said I said some things to begrudge you
But I can't ask to not be judged, then judge you
She said, all this time I've been screaming "Fuck You"
When she implies I can't move on, I'm stuck, too
Blood flowing, there's an adrenaline rush, too
Everytime I'm tryna leave it's when you're in a rush, too
She said, looking back I can see how you was gaming me
Which is fine, I can see how you could feel there
Which means, I just gotta ask you one question now
If it was game, tell me why them feelings still there?
I know the answer to that: you still fallin'
You never felt so strong, it feels foreign
Probably got me saved in her phone as Phil Collins
Hear it in the air of the night, it's still callin'
Everytime you see me, a couple of bills on him
Got rich, then did it again, we still ballin'
You ain't gotta respond to that
If you did, it would look like it's a [???] to that
I'm so far beyond that
Chillin' with a couple of hoes that like hoes
That like niggas that don't act like hoes
I don't say that cuz I'm vain or some strangers can know I'm the man
We not fuckin' em, sometimes it's better knowin' you can't
She come runnin' back everytime she throw in the can
Just to holla when she feel like not a soul understand
Baby, I already proved that I ride out
You can't bear to be hurt again so you hide out
You ain't gotta say that, I know you inside out
We communicate so well when all the pride's out
You gotta give it one more go, we ain't tried out
Nah that love wouldn't a been real if it died out

Everytime I walk away, you [???]
But your words don't mean a thing when [???]
Tell me is this the way
The way that you love me
Tell me is this the way
The way that you care

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