Andy Mineo

Songtext The saints Andy Mineo


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The saints

(feat. KB & Trip Lee)

[Andy Mineo]
I don't know but I've been told when the saints come marching in we roll
So deep that they can't believe we sold out seats and them cd's
Please don't sleep on the beat I.....beat up these
Still don't get it would you keep up please
We ain't no heroes for sale, if you bought one better keep your recipt
Ok I get it I know what they thinking
We some kumbya singing corny christians keep your distance
By a ticket to a concert pay a visit think it's odd
We dem blues brothers 116 on a mission from God
I don't think they get it I really think what they gotta do is see it to believe it I wasn't planning on leaving them
Gimmie the microphone with no gimmicks I'm really living it so when they come in and don't you know to get up on the evidence
You ever wanna get it well tell 'em to come and get it
I point 'em to a God and we tell 'em we really wit Him
They thinkin' that I'm trippin cause I'm livin' for more than just rappin' but that's what happens when

Oh no, here they go go
Them boys sold out no promo
Tell me give em 2 years it'll go cold
But them boys got 8 like O-JO
Imma keep it 300
Industry probably wanna see us so
But we in the in week in the weak livin we give it our God don't do any wrong
The aroma is that our God saves
Married to the Rock and I'm faithful
To take these words beyond say
Don't it feel like we famous
When the world will know what our name is
But heaven knows us baby and that book of life is that a list
I'm so rich and I ain't talkin bout cheddar
But I bank on Christ go and talk to the teller
Cut the checks that I get I'll be cashing forever
Laugh at the saints that ain't a thing go
They be lacking to pay that thinking straight
Man we ain't lacking a thing rack in the faith
Paid by the blood of the Lamb that is paid
Debt is paid

[Trip Lee]
Now I don't know what you've been told about us bout us
But we gon' love em even though they doubt us doubt us
We just visiting like we some out of towners
Got em asking us how does this God turn ya'll into shouters
We don't really think we better, call us perfect no never
But we glad to be call saints cause Paul called us that in them letters
Set apart for the Savior, He's led our heart to the Maker
Forget the art that we making if we never love our neighbors
You might catch us whilsting, marked to the spot straight glistening
Shining cause we filled with Him, you might wanna listen in
Messiah came down the He reigned and He rose
Here yeah they go with this again
That's what makes us love our neighbors
We not just omitting sin

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