Angels & Airwaves

Songtext The revelator Angels & Airwaves


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The revelator

Can you tell me your name girl?
Are you calling me out?
I walk in my way
Are you losing your faith?
Cuz you make lots of noise there
Are you looking for fires?
Or a group of more liars?
Are you using your faith?
When we all have a choice then
We act a like a man
Will you raise up your hands?
When the shit hits the fan
Turn white as a ghost
As the air leaves your throat
Will you throw me a rope?
Or go at it alone?

It's a little late
In a little while
Can we forget about it?
With a little lake
Have a little fire
Well take the fun out of it
Pour a little wine
Take a little meal
Pack a little bag
And a wallet
Get a bit of ice
And a heavy meal
There is no easy way out
As your pray for the end to come
All you'll get is a marching line
As you wait for the hounds of hell
You'll be in for a big surprise

Can you tell me your name girl?
Does the cat have your tongue?
Are you calling someone?
Are you waiting to run?
When the show will arrive
It will be right on time
So you better sit tight
It will be a great ride

It's a little late
In a little while
Can we forget about it?
With a little lake
Have a little fire
Well take the fun out of it
Pour a little wine
Take a little meal
Pack a little bag
And a wallet
Get a bit of ice
And a heavy meal
There is no easy way out
As your pray for the end to come
All you'll get is a marching line
As you wait for the hounds of hell
You'll be in for a big surprise
Cuz the end, it will never come
But were in for a few hard times
And well get knocked up down and done
But the truth is were still alive

Where are we going
Come on over
No ones dying
Were fine

As your pray for the end to come
All you'll get is a marching line
As you wait for the hounds of hell
You'll be in for a big surprise
Cuz the end, it will never come
But were in for a few hard times
And well get knocked up down and done
But the truth is were still alive
Where are we going
Come on over
No ones dying
Were fine

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Angels & Airwaves is the brainchild of Tom DeLonge, which came to fruition during the extended hiatus of blink-182. With lofty aspirations to transcend the limitations of the pop-punk genre of blink-182, the new band released their debut album We Don't Need to Whisper in 2006. It sold well though the critical reception was mixed. The concept, finding love in the middle of a war zone, was continued to the next album I-Empire (2007) which also reached the US Billboard top ten. A companion sci-fi film is planned for release during 2008.

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