Digable Planets

Songtext The may 4th movement starring doodlebug Digable Planets


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The may 4th movement starring doodlebug

Ha Ha....
Ha Ha....

[Doodlebug and Ladybug]
One time for your mind

Two times for Mumia's saint crew

Three times for my Brooklyn dimes

Seven times for pleasure....

I don't trip

I don't trip[
She don't trip]

We don't trip [Nah]
We don't trip

We don't trip

Please don't trip

We don't trip


Now, sixteen times for the mind thieves

For my thinking intell- And I am Erica
Counterfits don't stop the wettest of us

We Brooklyn
We define the black people equal to who? Yeah
What you supply?

I know when I know when I drop ?'dip??
That was in beetle's but a snake try to spill a score

On my pride I'm in my Cammy
We bust at COINTELPRO we creamy like

Fuck that we Creamy Spies tell you scheme-y lies

We let creamy bullets fly

Should it reflect the sun

We say yes when we think of getting dipped

We says guess say yo comrades rest

Doodlebug and Ladybug]
Cause we all bounce

We all bounce

I do bounce
Yes I do bounce] He do bounce
Yes she do bounce] He do bounce

Yes we all bounce

I all bounce [Come on you know your bounce]


From back since the crook caught a rep

For giving birth to horn loopers

I took my first step with campers - born troopers

Got caps on both cans for the halls I spray

Slap hand swith my mans by the walls we play

Now... waist chains and Cammy floors complete sag

Live pools, my squad rules

From solar to lunar, cheap to death

From no boot to puma, sewed up like mesh

My cousin's hit the 'pike
I read it in the ??went ità? circle C-low
Now all the niggaz hating C-know
As we move on the D-E-low
For our fam in jail

No stars just bars

No cars unless the BMT own 'em
Crook-town bounce streets delph to south ??bar on a??

I drape soul hearts

I make soul darts

Cover mad areas in my ??crepe soulclarks??
MC's lyin, is dyin rap off

But here we all y'all
With pleasure....

So it's

[Doodlebug and Ladybug]
One time for your mind

Twice times for Mumia's saint crew

Thrice times for the brooklyn dimes

Seven times for pleasure

I stay on

He stay on [She stay on]

We stay on

We stay on
He stay on] He is on

We be on cause

We stay on

With pleasure...


Here I go, the seven odd

Manchu squad

Black notes I quote, I dedicate to my young star

Via ?'selway?? cars I span the metro

C-know sold stee-lo

Is livin on the D-low
The galactic travler eternal explorer

Like the invincible master agent - a true warrior

Neither here nor there, a master of illusion

My son's moon sets, catch reps when we cruisin

The New York Boroughs with classic boombasctic

Studied all the styles and got nasty at it

Like a Thelonius Monk I travel in peace

Left on right on black man from the east

All three]

We don't quit 4X


Yeah like for nothin but beats and cheese

Subzero degrees can't freeze the cool breeze

Ease easay straight Brooklyn doob

Hit you off with some pellets did Brooklyn smooth
It's that certain style Uh huh

I shoot a ??leg ball??

Squeeze off style quarters til herbs get stressed

Playing slick games and avoid all rest


I shows, five seconds after that

I flows left caught your rebel grows

Devils we grow

Jonesin on the curb I glow

Still posin a B-girl fresh as

This leftist gets with MC's one and all of 'em
Bust ninety ??bi-evels??
And my whole crew walk with pleasure....

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Digable Planets is an American alternative hip hop group based in New York City, composed of Ishmael "Butterfly" Butler (from Seattle) Craig "Doodlebug" Irving (from Philadelphia) and Mary Ann "Ladybug Mecca" Vieira (from Washington, D.C.). They were backed by Silkworm, who later embarked on a solo career under the name King Britt.

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