Benny (Rapper)

Songtext The iron curtain Benny (Rapper)


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The iron curtain

The almighty
The Butcher comin', nigga
Let's go

I'm black royalty (Royalty)
With black lawyers, I ate off the black market, so good luck blackballing in me
The ghost of 'Chine Gun Black hauntin' me
I feel like I'm nuts 'cause every time I count up, them racks talk to me (Them racks talk to me)
And I just got a batch off of me (I did)
So the feds won't back off of me
Took what the trap offered me (I did)
Uh-uh, I don't got no gimmicks, you can feel the pain
Blood on the money when I get it, but it spend the same
This one for the family (Duffel bags)
I gambled like Vegas and drove with my life saving in the trunk of a Camry
If you never played with a fork, can't understand me
All my niggas stood tall in New York like Marcus Camby
My aunt a Christian prayer, but I'm a distant player
That's with the hoes, but in the kitchen, I'm a difference maker
Nigga, my fingertips stick to paper (Stick to paper)
It's never enough 'cause half of it's gone before I get the paper

Let's go
This street gospel right here, nigga
You feel me?
I been had a strap
I got my first gun when I was fourteen years old
I got it from Conway
Shit a true story, I can't make this shit up, my nigga (Can't make this shit up)
I can't make this shit up (I can't make this shit up, nigga)
The Butcher's coming, nigga (Ah)

They gave me obstacles and they prayed I fell
I'm the one who front the hustlers whatever they could sell (What you need?)
Even if you feed 'em trust, they'll tell
Nigga, I'm bagging up a brick while I play Adele
Balenciaga space kicks
You know the ones with no laces?
Been tied everywhere like Jay Prince
This for my niggas in the state pen'
Been down since '08 with a case so weak, it don't make sense
Get caught in that system
They treat you like a victim
They slaves, I made crizz in places you'd get a brick from
For that, federales and fans both want my picture
When the other side hit up my nigga, I cried a river (It's on sight now)
Tougher than niggas that y'all call brave (What else?)
Standing over the stove wearing all our chains (Uh)
You my know MO is all raw 'caine
So many ballers in my trap, look like the all-star game

Let's go, uh
Like I said
I'm ready whenever y'all niggas ready, man
Blood on the money
And blood on the wall
Blood everywhere, man, y'all niggas can't fuck with me

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