
Songtext The emerald tablet Ancient


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The emerald tablet

Innocent games of unwritten spells as a child, animals are companions and
mentors, and the moon my night side mother.
No one understood them, few comprehend nowж
She awoke with eyes of fire to a world demented by spinners feeling,
smelling, tasting all before her made her live. Growing, walking, talking,
power taking form, ignoring all beneath her refusing to conform.
My innocence was a time of feeling pleasure in the rain. I learned from
all creatures of instinct the magic within joy and pain.
Now she swims to the watery depths of darkness unreachable by most. Forever
mocked by an angry mob like parasites on a new host, for the one who
strives to reveal all aspects of life is hated, hunted, by those who fear
By the time I was one with the moon and tide, I was detested for not
having banished my pride. Being strong in my age of circle and seas I raged
against all on bended knees!
Her fall is one of beauty revealing colors undistributed by a storming sky.
With skill and patience learnt from Crane she drips blood of her veins to
bind what she claims, power beyond wisdom, faces without names.
My chance for smoke and mystery so close to earth am I. My time is matched
by wisdom and I am not afraid to die.
The crisp clean winds of the old man have come for her at last. He loves
her with his mighty heart and plans to take her fast.
Most run from old man winter for fear of growing cold. So set in the
reality that they have bought and sold, not this grand lady she flies away
with a smile. You can hear her singing beyond a year and past a mile.
My time has filled the circle. The Sun's inside the moon. My essence is
free to breath, as my body decays in a tomb.
Spring, fire. Summer, water. Autumn, Earth. Winter, Air. Daughter, killer.
Mother, blood. Wolf, salmon, deer, fox. Pauper's princess. Christ's desire,
Live, Evil!

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Ancient is a Norwegian black metal band from Eidsvag, Nesset, formed in 1992. The band has released six full-length albums released by Metal Blade Records. Ancient used to have a raw black metal sound, similar to Darkthrone's works. Beginning with The Cainian Chronicle, they moved towards a more Nordic/atmospheric black metal sound, akin to Emperor. After a period of turmoil concerning their line-up, they went on to add gothic-style instruments such as violins, female vocals, and synthesizers to their music.

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