
Songtext The dark ride Helloween


The dark ride

All board step right this way
The dark ride is leaving soon
Just sign your name on the dotted line
All I want is just your soul
Tighten your belt and lets go
Standing in line to get to the fairground
Heading to the wicked side
One way ticket, there is no returning
Leave your soul at the gates

Out of doubt, no hope
Satan feeds our madness
Insanity confirms where we stand
Spit the red vile breath and
Wrath is our gift that
Leads direct to armageddon

Take a place on the dark ride
Slowly creeping up quickly coming down
Take a spin on the dark ride
May too far from the other side

Step inside and take this final journey
Your fantasies will come true
Inclination without liberation
Lifes carousel is catching you

Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Driven to our final fate
Jump out of this game

Take a place on the dark ride
Slowly creeping up quickly coming down
Take a spin on the dark ride
May too far from the other side

Is there any wonder?
Why we came about
Was it for love?
Or to let sin abound
Isn't it a wonder
Awake from blood thick dreams
Remove all the stones from our hearts
We must all believe

Ohhh, will we find a way to the other side
Heading for a light
Who is holding the key, why can't we see
The dark ride

I force the engine of your deadly sins
Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
I'm your pain when you can't feel
I know too well you'll follow me, you follow me down

Is there any wonder?
Why we came about
Was it for love?
Or to let sin abound
Isn't it a wonder
Awake from blood thick dreams
Remove all the stones from our hearts
We must all believe

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In the early 1980s Helloween stood alongside Blind Guardian as one of the early European power metal bands. Walls of Jericho (1985) was a genre defining album and remains an exemplar of power metal. After that, they recruited a new vocalist, Michael Kiske, and the new album, Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 1 (1987) consolidated the success of their debut. The third album Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part II (1988) is considered to be the seminal Helloween release.

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