
Songtext The bio Encore


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The bio

I was that suburban negroid
Devoid of tribal instinct
To survive in these streets to me meant to pack my lunchmeat
Lonely but had em only have child perks
The ravage Sagitarius who got what he got through various
Outbursts of disfunction, self-proclaimed black sheep
I'm out for 'delf man, no game is that deep
I peep but all I ever see was a sea of leporsy
Drowin my brown skin, sold to cleverly
Adapt, ASAP was my modus op'
It was me, ?balany alot? before them quarters drop
Three niggas to one block
Ace, Boom, Self tried to chase wound
Face doom, make moves playin the tune
Of music them savages be usin, to manage amongst the ruins
My folks are lavish but I'm still pursuin squeals
Stop consumin L's, abusin brain cells
But wonder if my thirst for righteousness confused wit 'cane sales
Knowin the answer, I leave the triple beams to fiends
Blowin advance in green like Jo Jo Dancer
My life is caught and so is stream line of life
I'm callin them and settin lofty goals
Feelin like my soul is chose
More so than those who front the Nazi's dough
I let you know cuz God bestowed me to ? and see true
For what it's worth, they say the earth's the meat's turf
But now I'm found to run the planet
I can't be weak to inherit it how it was handed
I need courage to understand the underhand
The plot and schemes, Illuminati got your bean fried
While I'm prepared for what's within the glare
Of the all-seeing eye, me and my shadow
Battle the snakes that rattle
As the mass get they ass served in herds
Similar to cattle, puttin they life up on collateral
Yo but for you this may not matter though
See for me, this is therapy
Critical thinkin to keep my ass away from drinkin
And smokin, locin wit my folks when it's unproductive
Allah selective who he keeps protecting
So I keep this all in perspective
My scripts got me lit wit all this shit I been through
That marks a seen through, don't even spark a scheme or two
But I found, despite your plight the world goes 'round
If you don't know by now, let me lay it down for yo

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Encore is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Self Preservation, Love and Hate, Layover, For You and Le Paradis. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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