Brother Ali

Songtext The believer Brother Ali


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Der musikalische text THE BELIEVER von BROTHER ALI ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The truth is here ep

The truth is here ep

The believer

(feat. Slug)

[Intro: Man - talking]
"Somebody told me, that the, I'm the truth
Don't worry about it, get down with me and ah
We'll set you free... "

(Hit it!)

[Break: Brother Ali - talking]
Yeah, yeah
Gone in a swing like that right there
Yeah, ah

(I want everybody to jump out their seats
And start clappin your hands)

[Verse 1: Brother Ali]
Rhymesayer Entertain, try to name a better team
Reveal your jealous aim, some things'll never change
Best twang your family together mayne
Them people cellophane, allowin their mother name
I'm invincible, walk with my word and my balls and my principles
Like a true prince should do
Only givin you a little bitty glimpse of truth
As I live it through, imagine what I'm fittin to do
I ain't that hit it and quit it dude
Live it for that minute, then split and I'm here to get residual
Pedal hard and settle not for even a notch
Between the premium spot, cream of the crop
Believe it or not, I'm over every line like one
Life changin moment at a time
Please trust you'll find, no better design
I'm so justified, I'm boast of epic kind
Nose to the grind stone, wait, no never mind
I could tell you 'til I'm blue in the face, the end of time
If you was ever gon' bear witness to the child
Then your ass probably would've been admitted by now

[Chorus: Brother Ali]
So now, ah, come now walk with me
I think and I walk and I talk awkwardly
If when you gotta see in order to believe
Then your ass must be blind, none strong as me, Ali

Ah, come now walk with me
I think and I walk and I talk honestly
I show strangers what they ought not to see
But that's just our nature, none strong as we, ha

[Verse 2: Slug]
Call me Slug, that's it, don't need no acronyms
Tryin to keep the masochist tucked inside the pacificist
But God it's gettin hard to give 'em passes when
They act as if they came up on the south side of Nazareth
Can't imagine this, it's like a beauty pageant
Where them models project and serve the law of averageness
Coat hanger on the mic, rappin mannequins
Stash 'em out behind the garage, where the trash be in
Don't go and get mad, I ain't your daddy kid
And you not Ant, so why you tryin to sample this?
So pop your little titties out, ego expandin
Them shenanigans'll catch a free ride up in that ambulance
Can't fix them damages with bandages
Another midlife crisis, tryin to brag on all the ass you get
Cash it in and take a look at who you dancin with
You just a middle man between the fiends and your management
Minneapolis, takes the passion with
A twist of lemon, 'cause I'm on some old fashioned shit
So tell Anakin we lookin for Orlando with
Coach and the "Champion", go fix a couple sandwiches

[Chorus: Brother Ali]
Yeah, come now walk with me
I think and I walk and I talk awkwardly
If when you gotta see in order to believe
Then your ass must be blind, none strong as me, Ali

Ah, come now walk with me
I think and I walk and I talk honestly
I show strangers what they ought not to see
But that's just my nature, none strong as we, come on

[Verse 3: Brother Ali]
Used to raise babies in a funky old dirty place
So I kept me a snub nosed .38
Took it to the pawn shop on the first and paid
Rent with it, didn't want to send 'em to the pearly gates
In the clutch of the beat drop
See me hop up off the Sheetrock and strut like a peacock
Get your teeth knocked, clean out your speech box
Must not believe that meets the grease part
I wrote God a love letter with street chalk
Fell through potato chips, could of put beach hut
And there I stood in all of my splendor
'Til I did believe I told 'em everything that I meant to

[Chorus: Brother Ali]
Come down now, come now walk with me
I think and I walk and I talk awkwardly
If when you gotta see in order to believe
Then your ass must be blind, none strong as me, Ali

Ah, come down walk with me
I think and I walk and I talk honestly
I show strangers what they ought not to see
But that's just our nature, none strong as we, ah

(Get, get, get, get, get, get, get down)...

"But the squares won't dance 'cause they're just all fakes
And they can't understand the commands of the breaks" (breaks, breaks)

[Outro: Scratched Run-D.M.C. Sample]
"A stage, a crowd and two Rhymesayers" [x4]
"Two Rhymesayers"
"A stage, a crowd, a-a crowd, and two rhyme-Rhymesayers"


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