Raheem Devaughn

Songtext Temperature's rising act ii Raheem Devaughn


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Temperature's rising act ii

(Love King, Love King forever)

Now this was made for wintertime lovin'
Yeah, this was made for kissin' and touchin'
Temperature's risin'
Temperature's risin'

And all I need is you, your naked body in a pitch black room
A bucket of ice cubes and a ceiling fan
And all I want is your (Temperature's risin')
And all I need is your (Temperature's risin')

Rose all out, get the candlewax
There's none right now, but the wick ain't lit
They're so still, they're so sticky
When you been round that shit
And when you're on your knees with the crazy arch
(Give it your best shots)
Then we try to tear the whole bed apart
Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah

50 Shades of Grey, mmh
Blastin' Marvin Gaye, oh
Off the Hennessy
So high that you think you had a J
L'ma give you that fever, sex wild
Feels so good I wanna go home on the lunch hour

And oh, when your body's callin'
Let me be your go-to guy
Let me be your orgasmic high
Let me show you how a good time flies
Like from winter to spring
Baby make love to a king
Baby if you can't be my girlfriend
You can be my wintertime friend
So just to be a man about it

Now this was made for wintertime lovin'
Yeah, this was made for kissin' and touchin'
Temperature's risin'
Temperature's risin'

And all I need is you, your naked body in a pitch black room
A bucket of ice cubes and a ceiling fan
And all I want is your (Temperature's risin')
And all I need is your (Temperature's risin')

(Facts) My bed is empty
(Facts) My body's waitin'
(Facts) Oh I'm still reachin'
(Facts) For you to come over
(Facts) We can fuck from the front door
(Facts) We can fuck in the shower
(Facts) Fuck so long, like a timelapse
(Facts) Deviate the days with the hours
(Facts) I won't come up for air
(Facts) I won't until you cum
(Facts) Till you feel paralyzed
(Facts) Until your lips go numb
(Facts) You'll probably climb the walls
(Facts) Hangin' off the chandelier
(Facts) Till they can call me king of love
(Facts) Let me make this crystal clear, oh baby, yeah

Now this was made for wintertime lovin'
Yeah, this was made for kissin' and touchin'
Temperature's risin'
Temperature's risin'

And all I need is you, your naked body in a pitch black room
A bucket of ice cubes and a ceiling fan
And all I want is your (Temperature's risin')
And all I need is your (Temperature's risin')

Whenever your body's callin'
I can feel your temperature's risin'
(Whenever, wherever, baby, ooh-ooh-ooh)
Till your body's on fire, till your body's on fire
See, it's time to get higher
For all the love that's risin'
(I can give all the love you need, baby, woo)

(This time we go all the way, all the way)
See, my body's like a heat wave, uh
(All the way, all the way, way, way)
Like the summer on the 4th of July
(Oh, oh, all the way, all the way)
Hot like a summer, baby, yeah
(All the way, all the way, way, way)
Oh, oh, all the way, all the way
Like a fever I'm coming [?]

We stay hot like a candle, baby
(All the way, all the way, way, way)
Mm, like summertime in Georgia
(Oh, oh, all the way, all the way)
I cut the way to winter
(All the way, all the way, way, way)
(Oh, oh, all the way, all the way)
Mm, from a meltdown to a cinder

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