
Songtext Tell me why Bro'Sis


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Tell me why

Do you think - I don’t know it
When you try - not to show it
Are you sure - I don’t feel it
When you lie - when you lie

All I know - I can’t take it
Everytime - that you fake it
Do you think - I can’t make it
On my own - make it on my own

Why you never treat me like a lady
Why are you acting kind a shady
Boy you know you really drive me crazy
Tell me why
Tell me why why why ?
Are you tryin to be a bad boy
I will never ever be your lovetoy
You think that love is just a game

Tell me why
Do you think you own me
Why - you’re the one that showed me
I - I could be this lonely
Why oh why
Why did you leave me high and dry
Thought that we could touch the sky
But it turned into good-bye - oh why

Yeah, Yeah you wanna get it
Yeah, yeah are you with it
Yeah, yeah let’s get the business started
Two, three, four hit it

In your mind - always doubt free
Better off - without me
Paid your dues - get out be free
Walk away - Walk away

Then you run - come back to me
Tellin me - the same old story
Nothing’s wrong - we should be we
Now I know - Now I know

Why you never treat me like a lady
Why are you acting kind a shady
Boy you know you really drive me crazy
Tell me why
Why why why?
Are you tryin to be a bad boy
I will never ever be your lovetoy
You think that love is just a game

Tell me why…

So gal why ya fall
Way ya cheatin on me
Didn’t I treat you nice
And didn’t I give you plenty
What about all of the diamonds
And all of the pearls
I give you anything say ya
Couldn’t give any other girl
So look ’pon de massive hurt
You put up upon my soul
Which of the madest thoughts
Am I allowed to control
Coulda anybody press, caress
Your body to your soul
Take a second guess

You became somebody else
And you’re lyin to yourself
I won’t go thru this again
And here the story ends

Tell me why…

Tell me why, girl…

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Bro'Sis were a multicultural R&B group from Germany, formed in 2001 in the second installment of the television talent show Popstars. Originally a sextet, the group eventually became a quintet, selling more than 2.2 million albums and singles worldwide. In early 2006 the band announced that they will no longer be performing together, instead pursuing individual careers in music, theatre, television and film.

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