Colby O'Donis

Songtext Take you away Colby O'Donis


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Take you away

(feat. Romeo)

We got ya boy romeo, ayo colby you ready, let's go-wassup akon Ooooooo I go by the name of Colby OoOoo, Konvict Muzik uhhuh uhuh oooo

[Verse 1:]
When I get money I spend it on the bills but my baby shes the exception to the rules you might wanna call it upsession but this to my heart it's just a natural progression and I know that she and me can work things out, if things get tough, that's why shes a keeper that's why shes a keeper.

[Pre Hook:]
No one but you seems to get me they try to sweat me saying baby make me cum bed me even if they sexy it don't matter cause my heart won't let me put my other feelings aside, and I don't care what the other guys say they just jealous cause they don't have you, they don't have you girl, they they they don't have you girl.

Baby they wanna take you away from me, but that's not gonna happen not to us O no, they wanna take you away from, but the bond we have is stronger than they know, they wanna take you away from me, I ain't your average joe, they wanna take you away, they they wanna take they wanna take take you away.

[Verse 2:]
I never thought that I'd let this get to me, telling all my friends she and I would neva be closer than what all they expected but I still made sure that she was always respected, cause I know she possibly could be the one if things get tough that's why shes a keeper that's why shes a keeper

[Pre Hook:]
No one but you seems to get me they try to sweat me saying baby make me cum bed me even if they sexy it don't matter cause my heart won't let me put my other feelings aside, and I don't care what the other guys say they just jealous cause they don't have you, they don't have you girl, they they they don't have you girl.

Baby they wanna take you away from me, but that's not gonna happen not to us O no, they wanna take you away from, but the bond we have is stronger than they know, they wanna take you away from me, I ain't your average joe, they wanna take you away, they they wanna take they wanna take take you away.
Cause it's it's official official girl, now that you be in my world, in my world your my crystal no no girl be looking fly cause your the one that got my eye, come and set it off, let it let it off, I'll never stop if you stick by my side, woooo

[Rap: Romeo]
Shes suchs a vibrant thang a virbant thang how she work that thang and twurk that thing and I give a chance so she could hang with a boss for days and still no name, kellis chick ya shes kinda bossy, I never did time cause them years'll cost me new six ain't color of coffee and I stay iced out like my name was frosty, see shorty she tha different type take home to mother might make ya wife, walk like a model but the thugish type pops taugh the game so I play it right, she with me and I'm labeled a prince, you ain't never had a girl like this, no no, colbyo the games a rap tell them other cats to take a nap yea


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Colby O'Donis (born Colby O'Donis Colon; March 14, 1989) is an American pop and R&B singer-songwriter, guitarist, producer and actor. In 2008, he released his debut album Colby O, and his single "What You Got" featuring Akon reached #14 on the Billboard Hot 100.

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