The Avalanches

Songtext Take care in your dreaming The Avalanches


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Take care in your dreaming

Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
You'll need it now
You'll need it now
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
You'll need it now (Love how you breathe)
You'll need it now (Love how you sleep)
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
You'll need it now (Love how you breathe)
You'll need it now (Take care)
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
You'll need it now (Love how you breathe)
You'll need it now (Love how you sleep)
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can (Yeah)
You'll need it now (Love how you breathe)
You'll need it now (Lov? how you leave)

2011, my name cam? alive
At the same time, I planned my suicide
Literally, I would live lonely inside
On the physical side, all my miracles died
2012, guess that plan ain't go well
Out my shell, still I'm livin' in hell
Yet it was written, from God it was gifted
To give you a story that ain't hard to tell
2013, far from a pre-teen
But it seems that a nigga chased my dream
Making anything that the world has not seen nor heard
Moving words like verbs, curved
2014, when I turned nineteen
Sayin' RIP to my big bro Tree
And my girl TT, when she got gunned down
Now I'm back on road
'Cause I couldn't come 'round to the funeral
Let a whole year pass
Made an EP and the fans got mad
A lotta issues that a young man had
Just two years shy of a high school grad
2016, when the boy got mean
ULT embedded in my genes
'Round the same time I met X and Ski
If the Klan ain't hit, then we just might be
The ones to have it all in our reach
2017, I had no place to sleep
2018, Taboo One Three
Was the best shit people ever heard from me
When you get pure pain, I'ma just make heat
2019, been good and bleak
Cut off the locks, new looks, same me
Used to chase my dreams, now the dreams chase me

Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
(Chase my dreams, chase my dreams)
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
(Love how you breathe)
(Love how you sing)
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
(Chase my dreams, chase my dreams)
Take care in your dreaming

South side of Africa, you ain't really heard of her
Mama was a daughter of a chief, make sense since
Royalty so skin deep, melanin carried through heaps
Papa was a soldier, built our whole life off his shoulders
Both were my pillars, yeah, I told ya
Both were a product of about ten kids
About ten needs, about ten feeds
Walking to school, it was about 10k's
Knees getting faded, hope getting faded
Aches, no lights flashing and flicker, it was a dream
Providing for they children, just to hope our souls beam
With prosperity, my parents, they took big care of me
Made sure opinions were heard 'cause it was scary
Middle kid tings, always lurking in the back
When I felt I wasn't heard, decided to take back

Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
(Back, take care)
(Chase my dreams, chase my dreams)
Take care in your dreaming (Yeah, nigga, I was a dream)
(Anything that the world has not seen, has not seen, has not seen)
(Was a dream)
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
(Yeah, when I turned nineteen, chase my dreams)
(Love how you sing)
You'll need it now
Take care in your dreaming
(Take care, take care, take care, take care, take care)

Love don't leave
Love can't breathe
Love can't breathe
Take care in your dreaming and love when you can
Love can't breathe

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The Avalanches are an electronic music group from Melbourne, Australia, best known for their live DJ sets and debut album Since I Left You, which was assembled from approximately 3,500 vinyl samples.

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